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You are not supposed to work on your birthday. Honestly, it should be illegal. Yet here I am, up at 5 am on my 26th birthday standing in front of the mirror asking myself why I didn't request the day off. Idiot. I'm an idiot.

Despite my blunder, I braid my hair into two boxer braid pigtails, toss on a headband, a light coat of makeup, and jump into a set of navy-blue scrubs. Once Murphy has taken his morning stroll around the complex I gather my lunch, change into my work shoes, and head out the door with time to stop for my free birthday drink from Starbucks.

At 6:45 I stroll into the locker room to find my work wives standing in front of my locker with balloons, donuts, and a gigantic card signed by the rest of our unit's staff and kiddos. "Aww, you guys!!" I coo stepping into Jade and Sophia's group hug, "You didn't have to do this for me!"

Jade giggles pressing a kiss to my cheek, "Of course we did! It's your day babes, and you're working so let us spoil you."

"Ya'll spoil me all the time, but I won't say no to donuts."

"We know," Sophia says with a cheesy grin opening the baker's box. "So, do you have any plans for tonight?"

Biting into the sweet treat I shake my head, I know she means with Jamie. Things with us have gotten better in the last couple weeks. We're not official by any means but we hangout, I let him kiss me after one of his games last week which opened up a whole new aspect of this relationship, and yeah I really wished he was here to spend my birthday with me. "Nope, Jamie is in Arizona. He'll be back tomorrow morning."

I stuff my backpack into my locker, toss my stethoscope around my neck and a few pens into the pocket of my scrub top all with one had as I scarf down my donut.

"Aww, you can't be alone on your birthday Greer!" Jade whines as she sips her own iced coffee.

I shrug as three of us head out onto the unit, "It's my third day in a row, I'll probably go home, drink some wine, take a bath and sleep until noon. It's just another Wednesday."

"It is not just another Wednesday, G! Let's go to dinner or at least grab a drink after shift." Sophia pleads pulling out her phone, "I'll get Riley to make us reservations somewhere who cares if we all look like shit."

Knowing there is no winning with her I concede, "Fine, let me know the details I'm going to go get report. Thanks for the treats loves!"

Clutching my clipboard to my chest I make my way down the colorfully painted hallway and find Anne the night shift nurse with ease. She gives the rundown on my four kids, two of which I have been caring for all week, wishes me a happy birthday, and rushes off to head home to her bed.

All of my kids are still sleeping so I let them rest and do a bit of reading to gear up for the day ahead. As I'm scanning a patient's chart for orders my phone vibrates in the butt-pocket of my scrubs. Pulling the iPhone out I see that there are a few notifications from Instagram, mostly from my friends but there are a few that I was not expecting.

Jamieoleksiak posted to his story for the first time
Jamieoleksiak mentioned you in his story

As the photo comes into view my stomach flutters, even miles away he still manages to make me melt. It's a photo he had taken of me without my knowledge, I was at work and I trying to walk away one day when he had brought me coffee. It was cute, and boy did I miss him.

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