Chapter Two.

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I feel stupid.

I have been living in this place for about 6 months, and I only noticed her three weeks ago.

I was sitting in the back of my English class, in my assigned seat. I was talking to a friend of mine when she walked in. I stopped listening to whatever bullshit he was spewing and couldn't take my eyes off of her. She sat in her seat, not speaking to a soul. She grabbed her book out of her bag and read quietly by herself until the teacher started speaking. She payed attention the entire class, while I payed attention to her. She was so intrigued by what the teacher was saying, I don't know why I was in such awe. I felt dumb and creepy, but I couldn't help it. I was almost certain she could feel my eyes burning through the back of her head, like I had laser vision or something. It put me on edge, yet I couldn't stop watching her. I was working up the nerve to talk to her the entire time. I was going to ask her about the homework or something dumb.

When the class was let out, she packed up her things and waited until everyone left the classroom. She got up from her seat and walked out the door, I followed behind her. I was about to talk when her friend came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. I immediately backed off, assuming he was her boyfriend. After talking about her to my best friend, I found out that he was her best friend. Apparently a lot of people thought they were dating but they vehemently denied it. People still believed it, but I chose not too.

After that I admired from a far, no longer having the courage I had that first day. Then one day I decided to go to the town bookstore to get a book that I read when I was in middle school. I don't know why, but I thought of the book one night and couldn't stop thinking about it. The Catcher in the Rye. When I finally decided to go get a copy, my heart started beating a mile a minute when I saw her standing at the registers. She was wearing the same thing she was at school that day, ripped black jeans and a white sweater. Her hair was curled, I think, and she had a dark brown lipstick on. That was also when I realized she had a blue tint to her hair.

I was trying to make small talk and was planning to act like I just noticed her from English class, but then I was basically punched in the gut. A tall, dark, and handsome British heartthrob walked behind the register and started flirting with her. I tried to think nothing of it when he called her babe in his deep foreign accent and when they were playfully bickering. But then it dawned on me that there is no way in hell that a beautiful girl like that a guy like him would talk to each other that way and not be dating.

I told myself to get over the dumb crush, I didn't even know the girl and was losing sleep over the situation. But then after tossing and turning all night I figured, what's the worse that can happen? I talk to her and find out she was dating the heartthrob, something I already assumed? I was going to go up to her after English and bring up that I saw her at the bookstore.

She left the classroom and I followed her out once again, waiting for her to stop talking to her friend before I made my move. Her friend walked away with both her middle fingers in the air, causing both me and her to laugh even though I had no idea what the conversation was. She could of been telling her to fuck herself for all I know.

I guess I was standing to close to her, because she turned so quickly and slammed right into me. She didn't make eye contact once, just keeping her eyes trained at my feet. I was stunned for a second and my heart skipped a beat, as dumb and childish as that is.

She apologized in a soft voice before walking away quickly. I tried to call out after her but she either didn't hear me or ignored me. That's when I told myself I really had move on.

But then I saw her at my game. I hadn't seen this girl for six months. 6 MONTHS. And now she was everywhere. I couldn't help but think it was fate. Because I'm lame and believe in that shit, though I would never admit it.

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