Chapter Three.

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"Cam, it was him." I say on FaceTime. We're both sitting at our desks, talking about the hot guy that witnessed me fall on my ass. "Number 22."

"That's so typical." Cam shakes his head, laughing, "How did you manage to fall right in front of the hottest guy in our school?"

"Please, stop." I cringe, putting my face in my hands. "I want to crawl into a hole and then throw away the hole while it's being lit on fire."

Cam laughs, "What's his name, again?"

"Finn. His name on instagram is finnwilder, so I'm assuming his name is Wilder. Unless he's just a wild guy."

"You need to go up to him if you see him tomorrow." He says and I immediately shake my head. "Oh, no no. He watched me wipe out on ice, Cam. I can never recover from that. It's absolutely over for me."

"He obviously found you likable." He insists, "He wouldn't of helped you if he didn't, or follow you back honestly."

I groan, putting my head in my hands again. Today has been full of embarrassment. I searched for his instagram on my break at work, but after I stalked a few of his pictures I went to see what his bio said and I accidentally followed him. It was too late to undo it, so I just sat with my mistake and wallowed in self pity and regret.

My phone goes off which kind of confuses me. It's midnight, and I don't really have any other friends besides Cam that would text me right now.

I reach to the other side of my desk and grab my phone. "Oh my God."

"What?" Cam asks. I just look up at the computer screen, seeing him leaning over his desk slightly in anticipation. "Avery, what?!"

"He DMed me!"

"You're kidding." He gasps, "Avery, you're not serious, right?"

"No, I am!" I exclaim, before realizing I should keep voice down. I show him the phone screen, "Look! Look!"

"What does it say? I can't read it." he asks, and I look at the phone again.

finnwilder: Falling on ice and dropping your journal? You're doing good today.

I knew I didn't have my journal, but I thought I left it in my locker. I must of dropped it with all my stuff and never picked it up.

"What are you going to say?" He asks. "I don't know. I think I'm going to wait a bit. I don't want to seem too eager."

"Jesus Christ." He shakes his head at me. "Do not leave that boy on read. I know you. I know you'll chicken out."

I try to be offended, but I can't. Whenever anyone shows me even the slightest bit of interest, I run the other way. But that's not what's happening here because he just wants to return my book.

"I'm not. I need my journal." I respond. "I just don't want to come off strong, is all."

"Yeah, he totally couldn't just come up to you tomorrow and give it to you," He snorts sarcastically. "He had to go out of his way to DM you to get you that dumb book."

"Hey," I pout. "It's not dumb. I love my journal."

"And yet again, you miss the point." He yawns loudly before moving on, "I'm going to sleep. But you better answer him, Avery. I'm serious."

"I will," I say, joking aside. "Promise."

After we hang up, I start taking off my makeup and go brush my teeth. When I'm done, I grab my phone and lay in bed, pulling the covers over me. It's now or never.

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