Chapter Nine.

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I'm currently waiting in my living room for Finn, scrolling through my phone. This past week has been hard, but I'm really really grateful that I have Cam and Finn. They have been more than amazing friends. We even have a group chat now with us three and Lindsey, which makes me cry with laughter at least once a day. I wish we all became friends sooner than senior year. And of course, as expected, I have already fallen more for Finn.

It's been really quiet around my house. My aunt flew in from New York in so my mom has been with her a lot this week. I haven't heard from my dad since that night, which isn't a surprise. Although I am furious with him, I guess it would just be nice to at least get a text from him. But he's a pretty shitty guy so I can't expect much.

Finn texts me saying that he's here, so I get up and head outside. I feel giggly as I approach the familiar car and open the door before sliding in. I was expecting some really bad post hockey smells, but he doesn't smell at all.

"Hey," he greets, pulling away from my house. "Hi," I smile, buckling my seatbelt before getting a better look at him. "How are you still sweating?"

"I honestly don't know," he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand with a chuckle. He glances at his now wet hand and shakes his head before gripping the top of the steering wheel with his right hand.

Okay, LISTEN. I'm not going to lie to you right now. He looks so good. His hair is really wet from what I am assuming is sweat, which is weirdly attractive. He's wearing a black under armor that hugs his torso so nicely that it's borderline offensive. Something about post hockey Finn really just- It's hot, okay?

We get to his house and start to head inside. He puts his arm around me as we walk up to his front door. "Do I need to sneak in again?" I joke.

"No." He laughs, lightly. A wicked look in his eye as he looks down at me. "You will have to meet my mother, though."

"Oh, God." I immediately get nervous, my hand going to my forehead. "She's going to hate me."

"What?" He laughs loudly as we get to the door. "Why would you say that?"

"Don't all moms hate the girls their sons bring home? What if she thinks I'm a bad influence? You're her only son, I'm sure she's going to be very critical, as she should be-"

"I can't picture my mom not liking you," He interrupts me as he unlocks the door. He looks back at me, smiling and taking my hand. "Don't worry, Aves. You're perfect. She'll love you."

He opens the door and we walk in without another word, although my heart doesn't know what to do with itself. On one hand it's fluttering like crazy at his words but pounding in my chest at as I see him mom sitting in the same spot she was last time. She sees the two of us and sits up, obviously surprised. "Oh, hello."

"Mom, this is Avery," He introduces me. I give her a timid wave. "Hi Ms. Wilder. It's very nice to meet you. You have a lovely home." And a very hot son.

"The pleasures mine, Avery. And thank you, I really appreciate it." She smiles. She seems young, maybe early 40s. I love her style and I just want to ask her about her tattoos. She's so much cooler than me.

Finn lets go of my hand to kiss her on the cheek, which is just as cute as it was the first time I saw him do that. "We're going to go hang out for a bit," He says, standing back at my side. His hand finds mine instinctively and I notice his mothers gaze towards the gesture. I feel my cheeks heat up when she smiles. "Do you need anything?"

"Oh, no. Thank you, my love." She shakes her head, looking back up at her son. "How was the game?"

"Good, we won. 3-0."

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