Chapter Twenty-Five.

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I'm used to being in school without Finn because of his trips. But this feels different. This feels different because it's not fair. It's not fair that he's the one being punished in a situation where his privacy was completely violated. It's not fair we're even in this situation to begin with.

It's Thursday, which means it's the second day without him. You would think it's been a week though because of how long yesterday was.

No one really did anything else besides put those papers in my locker. Everyone just stared and talked, some would moan when I walked past but I never got to see who because when I would look everyone would act like angels suddenly. I also didn't get called to the office yet, which is surprising. I've been on the edge of my seat since Finn got suspended, waiting to be called down and be forced to explain the mortifying situation to middle aged men.

I haven't seen Mason since Tuesday, which I'm very relieved about. I don't think he came to school yesterday. If he did, he did a great job at making himself disappear.

I would be humiliated if I was him. He literally got hard in front of everyone because I was yelling at him. The thought of that sends a sickening chill down my spine. Not only did I throw up in the parking lot because of it, but I did that night again. It's absolutely disgusting and just vile. I've never felt so degraded in my life. I was angry and defending myself and not only was I not taken seriously, but I was sexualized for whatever sick fantasies he has.

I thought Finn was going to kill him when he realized. The way he looked back at me after he saw what reaction I elicited from Mason. His eyes were so dark. And not the kind of dark that I saw the night we were together, not the dark that made my knees weak. This was different. He looked like he was going to strangle him on the spot. I was afraid he was going too.

He's become such a hot head lately. I don't blame him, given the circumstances, but I wish he would just take a step back. He's so keen on fighting and that's just not the kind of guy he was. I'm afraid that I brought that vice out of him.

That's the only good thing about him being suspended. Now I don't have to worry about hearing that my boyfriend beat one of them up until they were blue in the middle of the school day. Hopefully things, and Finn, calm down by Monday.

I do miss him, though. I know it's dumb, since he's not away on a trip and I saw him yesterday, but I miss him. It scares me how often I think about him and how my heart aches when he's not with me. It scares me how I feel like I'm falling so hard and so fast that I can't stop myself and the only person who can catch me is Finn. July is going to be so much more painful if I let myself love him.

I look back to his empty seat as I wait for our English class to start and bite my lip. This sucks.

My hand reaches for my phone that's in my bag and I type out a message.

Aves: miss you

He answers pretty much immediately and I can imagine he's just sitting at home, probably doing next to nothing. That or he's working out. Cannot relate.

Finn: I miss you too baby. Is everything okay?

A small smile comes to my lips. I really like that he's calling me that more. I've never been a fan of pet names, I actually hated them, but this one seems to be an exception. I don't know if it's because it's coming from Finn or if it's the word itself, but I adore it.

HOWEVER. Never call me honey, hon, cutie, and definitely don't even think about calling me sweetheart.

Aves: so far, yeah. still have a few more periods though

Ice.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon