Chapter Thirty-Three.

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This week has been unbearably long. I feel like Finn has been gone for an eternity but he only left last Wednesday.

It's the next Friday now and I'm sitting at home, doing nothing. I got home from work a little while ago, finished my homework, Cam is working, Lindsey's with Nya, and Sophie is out with her family. And I finished the book I was reading in school today and I forgot to pick up a new one while I was at work. I used to be so good at being alone, but now I hate it. Especially when I have nothing to do.

I just got out of the shower and put on a very big shirt that falls off my shoulder, and no pants, obviously. I put on my fuzzy socks and slippers, though.

I wish I had something that would occupy me. I don't know how I became so dependent on being around people but I have been and this is one of the times it's coming to bite me in the ass. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, I love my friends and being around them just elevates my mood tremendously.

Finn is out with his friends currently. He just finished his last game in San Diego and his team went out to a bar. He usually doesn't go out to bars with them, but Casey and Jack dragged him. I know he likes going out but he's a lot younger than most of the team, so he feels like the baby no matter how many times Jack and Casey tell him he's not.

I pick up my phone from my bed next to me and unlock it, holding it above me as I go to our messages.

Finn: With the boys. I'll text you later

Aves: okay, have fun! be safe! love you

Finn: Always. Love you

That was around two hours ago and I'm already desperate for attention. But I know I shouldn't bother him when he's with his friends.

I go to our photos that we've sent each other and scroll through them just to look at him. I absolutely know how pathetic this is. But I don't care. I fucking miss my boyfriend.

My lips curl into a smile as I scroll, seeing the dozens of adorable pictures he's sent me. But my eyes stop on one that made me choke on the water I was drinking when he first sent it to me.

It's a mirror selfie that he sent first thing in the morning, so his hair is basically all out of the messy bun on his head. He's shirtless, shocking, and his light grey sweats are dangerously low. His v-line is on full display and you can just about see what it's leading too, if you know what I mean. His muscles just look amazing and his hand is gripping his phone in a way that just - ugh. I don't believe for one second that he sent this picture with innocent intentions.

Should I send him one now?

I feel my stomach fill with knots at the thought. I told him it would be when he leasts expect it, so that would be now, right? He's not expecting it when he's with his friends. It would be kind of funny to send it when he's out, that way he wouldn't be able to react.

And it's not like I'm going to send him a full nude. Just something teasing, like this picture he sent me. Yeah. I think I can do this.

I sit up from my bed, looking around my room. I stand up and go over to my full length mirror and look at myself in my not-so-sexy attire. This needs work. 

I ditch the fuzzy socks and slippers, even though I think it would be funny to keep them on. I debate on taking off my glasses too, but Finn told me once that he thinks they're hot. I don't understand how a pair of black plastic and glass is hot, but I didn't argue with the logic.

Should I sit? Should I stand? I feel like I look bigger when I stand. And maybe I can do something cute when sitting. Yeah, Imma sit.

I sit down, still looking at myself in the mirror. Okay. How do I sit?

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