Chapter Seventeen.

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Finn has seemed to calm down over the last hour, the two of us now just laying in his bed. In a way, I'm relieved he found out about Jack. It was eating me alive; keeping a secret like that from him. And as time went on, I started to realize more and more how serious it actually was, and I was starting to dread seeing Jack again. Even seeing him playing made a shiver go down my spine, which I hate. I hate that I'm at the center of the downfall of their relationship. I hate that I teared them apart.

"He's using again," Finn finally speaks up. We're spooning, to put it bluntly, so his breath fans over the back of my neck as he speaks and causes goosebumps to poke from my skin.

I turn slightly to look over at him over my shoulder. "Jack?"

His jaw clenches and he nods. "I can't help him anymore."

I turn over completely, untangling our legs and pushing myself up so my head is higher than his. I bring him into me, his head resting on my chest right under my chin, my hand massaging his scalp which makes him sigh in content. I smile and make a mental note that he likes when I do that.

My leg goes around his waist as I hold him close, trying desperately to comfort him. He's in the process of losing his best friend. A man he literally took a fight for just yesterday. I can't imagine what he's feeling. I know he's angry, but he's probably just as upset but just doesn't want to admit it.

"It's okay to be upset about it," I voice my thoughts. I speak quietly, feeling like if I talk too loud then it will sound like I'm talking through a microphone. "You did everything you could for Jack. You're allowed to be upset about the loss of a friend."

He holds me closer, keeping his head on my chest. This is a new position for us, me holding him. I feel like this is the closest we've been and the most we've cuddled but I really, really love it. I've never felt so close and safe with another person before and all I want to do is have him in my arms.

Unfortunately, the universe has something else in mind though. The doorbell rings and Finn groans very loudly. I can't stop the annoying giggle that falls from my lips as his grip tightens.

"Finn, someone is at the door," I state the obvious. He just huffs. "It's probably a package my mom ordered. They'll go away."

I don't argue with him, wanting to stay in our comfortable position as long as we can. But the doorbell rings again and I take my hand from his hair, combing my fingers through his it's ends as I lean down and kiss his forehead. "I don't think that's an Amazon delivery."

"I don't either but I really do not want to move," he admits adorably. He is so cuddly right now and it makes me melt. Everything about him makes me melt.

The door bell rings again and he finally moves with a very loud and dramatic sigh, causing a rush of cold to replace where he was. He stands up as he groans in annoyance, running his hands back through his hair. I look up at him, a smile on my face at how freaking cute he looks in his big sweatpants and loose crew neck.

He looks down at me, a similar smile on his face. "Wait here. I'll be right back."

I nod, taking his blanket and pulling it up under my nose and curling into a ball. His usual dumb and goofy grin lights up his face before he leans his hands on the bed, kissing my forehead now, causing my face to scrunch and butterflies to fill my stomach.

He moves the blanket and presses a kiss to my lips then, mumbling against them, "You're the cutest person alive."

I pull away, "I was thinking the same about you."

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