Part 6

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During this night, I've never seen him this serious. He wanted to drive me home. Did he want to spend more time with me? Did he actually care about me being safe? Or did he just do it so Quinn wouldn't kill him? Why did he want to drive me home?
I looked at my phone, neither mom, Hannah or James had answered my texts. Jack driving me home was the only option I had.
"Thanks.." I managed to say before looking down feeling like a burden.

All of us were walking to the parking lot. Elias and Quinn would go with the other Canucks player while Jesper was getting picked up by his girlfriend. A car pulled up and Jesper said goodbye to everyone except me. I knew we didn't talk a lot but it still hurt when he totally ignored me. Jack must've noticed and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"It's fine, he's not mad at you, it's just his girlfriend, she's like that" He said as a blonde girl stepped out of the car and started making out with Jesper. She looked at me with a mocking smile. Jack pushed me to the side and we started walking towards his car. Quinn and Elias was a couple of feet in front and stopped to wait at us. Quinn then took up his phone and handed it to me.
"Just so I know you'll be safe" he said and I looked down at his phone. He wanted me to put in my number so I did. I gave it back with a smile and thanked him. He took his phone, put it in his pocket and wrapped me in a hug.
"Stay safe kiddo" he said with a smile and I turned to Elias for a hug. He hugged me and we said goodbye.
"Make sure she gets home safely rowdy" Quinn said making Jack laugh. I giggled as Quinn was looking at me.
"See you at the game, glad you came for the *right* team" he said teasing his younger brother.
"Well of course, Vancouver is the best team" I said back. We exchanged a laugh before jack took my hand and said:
"Time to get the princess home"
My heart started to beat faster. Jack Hughes just called me princess, and he took my hand without me asking. Did he actually mean anything by this?
He let go of my hand, I sighed but didn't say anything.
"How old are you again?" Jack questioned
"17, I'm a senior" I said
"Cool" he said and let an awkward silence emerge.
No no no this was awkward I need to say something, if I don't say anything this will be really awkward and then it'll be weird and I don't want to be weird.
"Here's my car" Jack said interrupting my thoughts.
We got in, and jack stated to drive me home. As I started to look for my keys. I realized that I still wore Jack jersey.
"Ohh you probably want your jersey back" I said before giggling. I took it off and handed it over to jack. He took it and just left it in his lap. I started to look for my keys again, I couldn't find any. I looked every pocket before remembering that I never got any keys.
"What you looking for?" Jack said while still keeping eyes on the road.
"nothing" I said as I took up my phone to call them. No one answered, I tried calling them again, and again, and again. No answer.
If he dropped me off I couldn't get in. I didn't want to be a bigger burden to him but I didn't want to stay out here alone. What was I gonna do after he dropped me off? Stay outside? It's cold. Walk around? I'd get lost. The only thing to do was to tell Jack.
"Umm Jack?" I said. I had stopped being nervous after we talked for like 40 minutes but now it's back.
"yeah?" He responded.
"I Umm kinda don't have Umm a key Umm.." I said sacred that he would be mad.
"Did you lose them?" He said, just as calm as he before.
"no, Umm my aunt was gonna pick me up but she never answered me" Saying that Hannah was my aunt was incorrect but she always felt like an aunt. Mom didn't have any siblings so to her Hannah was like her little sister, thus becoming an aunt to me.
"Do you think anyone's home?"
"I doubt it, but we can always look."
"Yeah, they might be at home with dead phone waiting for them to charge so they can call you"
I highly doubt they're even thinking about me right now, mom's probably hooking up with some dude and god knows what Hannah is doing.
The rest of the ride was quiet. But not like the awkward kind. This felt good. I was not in the mood to talk after thinking about where they were and what they were doing. Jack could sense that I didn't wanna talk. He just glanced over at me occasionally to make sure I was alright. I enjoyed this, Jack was nice and respectful. He could sense something was wrong but didn't ask. He knew he would find out when I decided to tell him.

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