Part 10

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~Ella's POV~

"Mom?!" I shouted as soon as I walked into the house. She walked up to me with a blank expression and just hugged me.
"I'm sorry" she said, noticeably sad.
"I know you are, what happened yesterday happened yesterday and I'm fine. I had a good day" I responded, she was surprised that I was not mad at her.
"I promise I will make it up to you"
"It's fine, it really is. When are we leaving for the game?"
"It starts at 7 right? I'm thinking at 6 or earlier If you wanna go out and eat"
I looked at the time, it was 12.45. Jack dropped me off at home before heading to his training.
"Dinner sounds nice" I said while thinking about my day with Jack. He showed me around town, took me to his awesome food place and we sat talking for hours. Some people came up to us, asking for photos and autographs. Lots of people asked who I was, Jack just said that I was a friend and nothing more.
"Ella?" My mom called, I was snapped out of my dream world.
"Then we're leaving at 5" she said and walked away.
I walked into the kitchen where Hannah and James were.
"We're really sorry" Hannah said, "nothing like yesterday will happen again"
"It's fine" I said while taking a glass of water.
"I fell really bad for what I did, let me repay you" James said.
"You really don't have to, those tickets are enough, I'm so happy I went to that party"
I quickly walked away to take a shower. I was taking my phone up to look at the time when some paper fell out as well. I took up the paper and read it.
If you need me, I'm only a call away/Jack<3
It was the paper jack wrote his number on.

"Does that happen often?" Jack asked.
"This is the first time I met James, I don't actually know"
"Well, if you ever need help, somewhere to sleep or someone to talk to, just call me, okay?"
He handed over a piece of paper. I took it and left it in my pocket.
"It doesn't matter if you're here or in Arizona, call me whenever and I'll do my best to help"

I took my phone and typed the number. I looked at the time, it was 12.56. He had training. If I texted him he probably wouldn't answer. Should I text him anyway? What should I say? Should I just thank him? Maybe I should forget about him? I mean, he gave me his number, did he like me?
I was overthinking this. I decided to just take a shower and chill.

When I got out of the shower it was already 2pm, I had about 3 hours until we were leaving. I looked at my phone to see a text from Quinn.
Looking forward to the game? He asked in the message.
Yeah totally, I'll be wearing your jersey. Hope you win and can brag to Jack.
I'm gonna try :)
I put down my phone and started to get ready. I brushed my hair and put on a bit of makeup, I put on a pair of black jeans and my jersey. I was actually going to an NHL game, I was so excited.

I checked the time for the 20th time to see it read 4.47. Almost time I thought as a made my way to the kitchen.
"You wanna go?" Mom asked me
"I've been waiting for 2 hours, yes I wanna go"
"Perfect, let me just grab my phone"
We walked out and got into Hannah's car, she was really kind and met us borrow it for the night.
"Tell me about yesterday" mom said while driving.
"Not a lot to tell, I went to the party, met some of the players"
"Did you meet Quinn again?"
"Yes I did, and his younger brother Jack, he drove me home. Then I realized I didn't have any keys and he let me sleep at his house"
"Ohh how nice of him, he's also playing tonight right?"
"Yeah he is"
"Who do you want to win? Quinn right?"
I thought about it. I really did like Canucks and Quinn, but I wanted to see Jack happy. I wanted Jack to win. I was so unsure of what I wanted so I just stayed quiet.
"Your silence says it all" mom said letting out a chuckle. I could feel that I was starting to blush. I didn't really like this boy did I? How could I, I met him yesterday. But he was so sweet and cared about me.
My mind went to Nico's words
Jack can be dangerous to girls like that. Don't let him use you
I couldn't stop thinking about it. Dangerous? What did he mean by that? Girls like that? Like what? Like Me? Use me? Was jack gonna use me? These thoughts kept going around.
"Sweetheart we're here"
I was awaken from my trance.
"Ohh sorry my bad, got a little carried away there"
"I understand, I was once young and in love"
She let out another chuckle
"Do you wanna get food or not"
"Fine" I said as I got out of the car.

I wanna thank all of you who reads this book, it means a lot that you guys read it. I also wanna wish you a merry Christmas (or whatever else you celebrate if you don't celebrate Christmas) and a happy new year.
Over Christmas and New Years I probably won't update a lot and I'm sorry, I hope you understand x

From different worlds-Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now