Part 8

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~Ella's POV~

I woke up in a room I'd never seen before. I was still wearing everything I wore yesterday. I don't know how I got here, the last I remember was answering Quinn's text. I looked around the room before noticing my phone on the bedside table. I took it to notice the 20 or so texts I had gotten. I looked through them. One from Riley, my best friend, one from Quinn and several from my mom, Hannah, and James. They apologized and asked where I was. I looked at Quinn's text first.
Sad to hear, but thankful that Jack is taking care of you <3
Then I read Riley's text.
Giiiirl how is New Jersey??? I've not heard anything from you since you left.
New Jersey's great, I lied, while I was happy I met Quinn and Jack, I wished I had not gone with my mom.
I got up, i used my phone as a mirror and saw that my hair was a mess and my make up smudged. I wanted to get to a bathroom so I could fix myself. I opened the door and tried to find a bathroom. While I was looking i heard 2 voices. My curiosity took over and I walked to where I thought I heard the voices from. I ended up standing just around the corner from where the two people were talking.
"You can't just bring home random girls the night before a game to hook up with them" a voice said
"we didn't hook up" A familiar voice said
"Then why is she in your bed?!"
"She fell asleep on the couch and I'm not just gonna let her sleep there. I carried her to my bad and I slept on the couch"
"Yeah like I'm gonna believe that. You hook up with way too many girls for me to believe you when you say that you're not hooking up with this girl"
"Believe that, but it's not true"
"Still Jack, even if you didn't hook up, we had a deal. No girls the night before a game."
"well what was I gonna do? Leave her to freeze outside the whole night?"
"Get her somewhere that isn't our house maybe?"
This was going to turn into a real fight and I didn't want them to fight over the fact that I was there. I walked towards them, the floor creaking as I walked. I was greeted with a shirtless Jack and a guy that I guess was the same guy as yesterday. Seeing jack without a shirt made be blush.
"Hi, I'm Ella" I said offering my hand so he could shake it.
"Nico" he responded and shook my hand.
"I'm sorry, it was my fault. Jack was just trying to be nice. Don't blame him. He just drove me home and since I don't live in New Jersey I know no one. I couldn't get into my house, Jack, I guess, felt sorry for me and wanted to make sure I was okay"

~Jack's POV~

Nico really was not happy with Ella sleeping here. I tried to get him to understand why I took her home. While we were fighting Ella rounded the corner and stopped in front of us. Her make up was smudged and her hair stood everywhere. Eyes puffy and a rosy face. She looked so natural. My plan when I took her home wasn't to stand here protecting her. She was a pretty girl, not blonde and skinny with way too much makeup like the other girls I hooked up with. She was a brunette with deep brown eyes, she wore makeup but not too much, just enough for me to notice but not so it looked fake. My plan was to hook up with her, not today but maybe tomorrow. When she cried in my couch I just couldn't bring myself to seduce her. I felt bad just thinking about it. Eventually she feel asleep and I decided to let her sleep in my bed.
"Hi, I'm Ella"? She offered her hand to Nico.
"Nico" he responded.
"I'm sorry, it was my fault. Jack was just trying to be nice. Don't blame him. He just drove me home and since I don't live in New Jersey I know no one. I couldn't get into my house, Jack, I guess, felt sorry for me and wanted to make sure I was okay" Ella said while looking at Nico begging for forgiveness.
Nico just rolled his eyes and walked away. Ella and I stood quiet for a while before Ella asked where the bathroom was. I showed her the way to the bathroom and she want in. I had plans to shower so I waited outside. After a few minutes she came out, this time without smudged make up and hair that stood everywhere. She looked up at me with a smile before she just turned away and let me do whatever I wanted. I got into the shower thinking about her. Why did I think this much about her? As Nico said, I do bring home a lot of girls and I never think of them after. But this girl, something was not like usual. I cared for her, I wanted her to be safe. I was scared of dropping her off at home with what happened yesterday. I really wanted to know if that happened a lot, what if it did? Who even was that guy that opens the door, James, that was his name. Maybe I should ask her, we don't have training until 1 so I could probably spend some time with her.

From different worlds-Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now