Part 14

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~Jack's POV~

As I scored a goal I heard a group of girls scream. Out of reflex I turned my head towards the sound and saw the group of girls that screamed. They all had my jersey and signs, they looked like the type of girls who doesn't really watch hockey just acts like it because they think I'm hot. They would be really easy to get into bed if I wanted to. A few rows earlier I could see Ella and Riley. They were smiling and clapping. My heart skipped a beat and I was ashamed of my earlier thought. She looked so cute in my jersey and she was happy. I tried to ignore my feelings but I couldn't. That smile made me weak.

We got to the hotel, we were all really tired and kinda sad. We lost 4-3 in OT so it wasn't so bad.
"You look really happy for just losing, is it because your girl was there?" Nico said teasing me as we were walking to our room.
"I'm happy because I scored" I said but Nico saw through that lie
"I don't think you've ever been into a girl this much, what happened? You haven even took a girl home since you met her"
It was true. Ever since I met Ella I had not been able to forget about her. I could be talking to attractive girls who were into me but it didn't feel right. I just wanted them to be Ella, but they weren't. Did I like her? I guess so, but it would never work.
"Where you going?" Nico said waking me from my trance. I had walked past our door not noticing because of how caught up in my thoughts I was.
Nico unlocked the door and we got in. I changed into my sleepwear and got into bed. I just wanted this day to be over so I could met Ella. She talked about making me dinner tomorrow. I was really looking forward to meeting her. I still didn't know what time we would met. With the fear of her already sleeping I texted her.
We talked about hanging out tomorrow, that still happening?
I put my phone down and went to sleep.

~Ella's POV~

Riley drove me home. Usually we talked a lot during car rides but not this one. I couldn't stop thinking about the girls. When he scored he looked over in our direction, I wasn't sure if he saw the girls or us but they definitely got his attention with the screams. I didn't want them to get his attention, not when I knew they really liked him. At least I knew we would meet up tomorrow, or at least I think so. Jack and I had not talked more about tomorrow, maybe he forgot. I hope not.
We pulled up on my driveway, I hugged Riley and said goodbye. I unlocked the door unsure if my mom was still awake. It was almost midnight so I wouldn't be surprised if she was asleep.

As I was laying in my bed trying to get some studying done before I went to bed my phone buzzed. I took it to see a text from Jack.
We talked about hanging out tomorrow, that still happening?
He didn't forget, I was relieved and thought about what to write.
Yeah if you can I'd like that. I said I owed you dinner right?
I knew tomorrow would be good.

The day went really slow. I got out at 2 because it was Friday so Riley and I decided to study at my place for a little while. My brother was staying at a friends house for the night and mom had a business trip planned for this weekend.
I told Jack to meet be at the park 10 minutes away at 5 so Riley and I had about 2 hours of study time until we had to go. While studying was the plan we didn't study a lot. I was mostly panicking trying I clean the house and decided what I should wear. After almost an hour of cleaning and planning I was satisfied with my outfit and how the house looked.
"Can we study now? You have to leave in like an hour and I wanna get something done at least"
I sat down at the dinner table with Riley and we started with the history homework we had. Both of us has always struggled in history. For the most part we were good at the subject the other was bad at but not history. We both hated it leading us to struggle.
We were on the last question when i looked at the time, 4.48. In panic I jumped up.
"I'm gonna be late!"
Riley saw the time and just told me calm down
"If you go now you'll be there in time, You can leave, I'll get my stuff and lock the door when I leave after, okay?"
I was already in my way to the door when she said that. I tossed her the spare keys we had and took my jacket.
"Leave it in the mailbox, bye love you" I was running out of the door hurrying to get to the park in time. I didn't want Jack to wait for me.
I could see the park and checked the time again. 5.01. I was only one minute late, I hope jack won't care about that. I saw him sitting on the bench playing with his phone. I took a deep breath, fixed my hair and walked up to him.
"Hi Jack" he looked up and saw me. He got up and hugged me. His hugs were so cozy and he smelled good. I wanted to stay in his arms longer but he let go and just smiled.
"You look pretty" he said while looking down at me. "You were cuter in my jersey but whatever" he said with a smile. His compliments made me blush and I looked down trying to hide my red face.
"Thank you, you also look good, as usual" I said instantly regretting the last part. He smiled and my heart started to beat faster.
We talked about a bunch of things as we made our way to the store.

From different worlds-Jack HughesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin