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"My name is Andy Jules, an alpha and the new guard from Lebanon. Today is the first time I have some to the castle, and I have been sent to become Prince Will's personal guard." Victor slightly bowed down as he introduced himself, intentionally showing a badge by his side.

The girl still held Will within her arms, but her expression softened. She turned to look at Mark. "And who are you?"

Mark merely said with a cold face, "My name is Daniel Lovensci, an alpha and a guard sent from Lebanon to become Prince Nile's guard."

The girl finally relaxed upon knowing that they were sent to help them. Standing up, she held onto Will's hand as she said, "My name is Sherry, a beta and Prince Will's maid. I have been by his side since the moment he was born and have been taking care of him for a while now. Thank you so much for what you've done, helping us escape from Princess Lia's hand." She earnestly said her gratitude.

Victor immediately smiled as he said, "It was no problem, in fact, that should be our job. It was my first time meeting the princess today but I can already tell that we won't get along well."

Sherry smiled as she heard Victor's reply. Then, gently tugging on Will's hand to get his attention, she gently smiled as she said, "Your Highness?"

Will glanced at her, eyes dull and lifeless, he finally turned to look at Victor and Mark. "Prince Will, an alpha, 10 years old." Short, he didn't say anything else and resumed his silence.

Victor couldn't help but feel worry for the boy. When Mark turned to look at him, he wasn't able to hide his worry.

"Sherry, let us accompany you to send His Highness back to his chambers."

Sherry finally walked back to them. She wiped her eyes gently as she smiled, saying, "Once again, thank you. I know that it seems like something that anyone would do, but there has been many times that the guards wouldn't listen to any of my word."

As she sat on the table, Victor sent a watchful gaze towards Mark before finally asking his questions. "Sherry, has His Highness always been treated this way?"

Sherry looked at them for a good second before determining that these people wouldn't harm her or Will in any way. Shaking her head, she sighed as she explained, "No. Before Princess Lia was born, although His Highness's position was shaky, he was still treated much better. It was only after Princess Lia was born and got older that she continuously treated Prince Will in this way." She stopped as she looked around the room. "Prince Will's own castle used to be better. We had more maids to help us around, but there is only me here now. All the maids were dismissed by Princess Lia."

Mark kept silent as he listened, his eyes only staring at Victor. It wasn't that he didn't sympathize, but it was already hard to show emotions from his already cold heart. Most of all, there was nothing he could say. He was never one who liked to start conversations. These type of things just didn't suit well for him.

"The King hasn't done anything to stop this? No matter if he likes the Queen or not, Prince Will is still his flesh and blood, and an alpha who might take the throne." Victor's voice came out in shock, surprise and most of all, disbelief. Not really, but we'll go with that.

Okay, let's be honest here. This wasn't who Victor really was, and even though he had less restraints, this still wasn't his real character. And so, as he liked to say, it was merely him acting. He did feel pain for Will, and the real him would still help him, but not feel this much pain as the amount that he was showing.

Hearing what Victor said, Sherry let out a tsk. "That's what everyone would think. The King loves Consort Esme, the Queen is merely a political wife that he married to gain power. He could care less about the two princes's lives. He worries about his castle and his Consort Esme, that's it. Even though he had never loved Queen Talin, he didn't treat her as bad as he is now. Because of Consort Esme, the king even decided to wage war against A Nation, the nation whose king his brother had married. Consort Esme has the king in between her fingers, so much that the king doesn't even care about his brother."

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