4.1 In The Midst Of This Chaos

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Fei Qianchi opened up his eyes. He was sad, but his lover will always exist in every world. And, it did make it somehow better that Fei Qianchi had the chance to make his lover fall in love with him in every life.

(Fei Shang, please give me the memories.)

[Alright, Host.]

Then, the memories entered Fei Qianchi's head.

In this world, the setting was located in a zombie apocalypse. The main character, Kim Jiyoung, was the son of a noble family located in South Korea. Kim Jiyoung was normal, not a reincarnated person or transmigrated at all, but he did have a tough life. His father had remarried after his mother had died from a long termed illness and his stepmother was rather evil. To make matters worse, he also had a stepbrother who was the same as his stepmother, evil.

Kim Jiyoung would go on to live a harsh life until the zombie apocalypse begins. After his stepbrother tries to kill him by pushing him into a mob of zombies, Kim Jiyoung discovers his ability. His ability was metal. With his abilities, Kim Jiyoung finds a way to survive and continues his journey to the military bases that were built. He finds the male lead, Min Yongjoon, while searching for supplies in a store. Both were wary in the beginning, but slowly dropped their guard as they agreed to become companions.

Then, they would both work their way towards military base A. Kim Jiyoung was the first to start falling in love with Min Yongjoon. It wasn't surprising as Min Yongjoon was rather easy to get along with once you got to know him. He had a serious side to him when it mattered but otherwise, he was always smiling and joking.

But, Kim Jiyoung didn't speak about his feelings towards Min Yongjoon.

It was only when Kim Jiyoung was ambushed by his stepbrother and nearly on his deathbed that he confessed to Min Yongjoon. Likewise, Min Yongjoon did everything in his power to save him, confessing about how he was also in love with him.

Then, they continued a journey to get rid of all zombie, developing a cure and saving the world.

It was like every other sappy stories out there. The main characters gets injured and confesses and the other side will always say that they are also in love. Then, they walk hand in hand and save the world and live happily ever after.

Now, the body that Fei Qianchi was currently in is Lee Shinwoo, an actor. The best part? Lee Shinwoo was a person who openly showcased his feelings and spoke rather crude, although mostly to outsiders. He didn't sugarcoat his words and he openly displayed his hate towards anyone. Not to mention, Lee Shinwoo had awesome abilities. His ability were lightning, fire, and water. But, Lee Shinwoo was a canon fodder. His role wasn't significant although he did help Kim Jiyoung and Min Yongjoon.

He had took in Kim Jiyoung and Min Yongjoon when they were injured and helped save them from zombies. After that, they each went their way and never met each other again. That was it.

Lee Shinwoo didn't have a tragic background, the most significant things would be that he was put up for adoption as soon as his birth and had never met his birth parents. But that wasn't bad because Lee Shinwoo's parents, Shin Hana and Lee Hwangyang, were both loving and caring and wealthy. They took care of Lee Shinwoo even better than expected.

Lee Shinwoo would grow up wanting to become an actor, which his parents fully supported and he became extremely influential and well known. When the zombie apocalypse begins, his parents and him had set off towards military base A. Because his parents were influential, they were able to get a good position in the military base and were well taken care of.

Lee Shinwoo would become a part of a group, later on becoming best friends with them. They worked to save survivors and get supplies needed for the base.

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