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Narisa Zeno flinched, his eyes opening with shock. There was sweat piled on his forehead and there was still a lingering pain in his chest as he remembered his dream. No, it was his memories, not a dream.

His breaths came out heavily, his chest lifting up and back down as he calmed himself. As he finally took a deep breath, he turned to look at his phone. 7 o'clock, Narisa Zeno needed to arrive at Takimura before 8:30.

Narisa Zeno finally picked himself off his bed, even if his body felt heavy and got into the bathroom to take a shower first. This way, he could also think about his dream. He knew what it was about. That dream was when Xue Lu, impersonating Baicheng, had gotten married. It was also how Narisa Zeno had hurt the man he later grew to love.

Standing under the water, Narisa Zeno could feel a soft ache inside his heart as he remembered the words he had said to Tendou Yagami, or at least the soul inside of him.

And, in the finally image Narisa Zeno was able to see was himself turning...evil. There was a coldness from within his own eyes that made Narisa Zeno flinch. This would go on and Tendou Yagami would end up losing his life to save him.

Turning off the shower, Narisa Zeno decided that there wasn't much he could do even if he remembered now. He could only focus on regaining Tendou Yagami's soul and see what awaits him at the end.

But there was still much that he didn't know. Narisa Zeno knew that he would need to find out everything or at least most of it first before he could do anything else.

Tendou Yagami held a pen in his hand, biting it as he looked down at the paper in front of him and the laptop situated on the desk. As he looked, his eyes slowly glowered. A wave of pain came to his head as he closed his eyes, rubbing his temples and sighing. Standing, Tendou Yagami walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of pills, swallowing down two without any water.

Tendou Yagami looked at his phone when the sound of his notifications went off. Staring at it, he merely silenced his phone with a look of annoyance. He cocked his head, clicking his tongue as he roughly grabbed his bag and walked out of the empty house.

Putting on his headphone, he walked towards the bus station near his house. He hated anyone touching him so he couldn't help but exude an air of menace for others to keep clear of him. Unfortunately, even if people were a bit afraid to get near him, the bus was too full to not have any mishaps.

Tendou Yagami waited for his stop to come, his music blocking out any sound from coming in. Even so, he was still able to notice the girls near him who kept leaning to whisper at one another while pointing at him. If anything, it just made him even more annoyed than he already was.

Since skipping classes yesterday, Tendou Yagami had come home right away. When he had gotten home, his head had begun aching with pain.

Eating medicine didn't help, only making it go away for a moment before it came back. Not to mention, Tendou Yagami had had the weirdest dream last night. About an unknown man and himself. And, they were holding hands, doing things that Tendou Yagami utterly despised.

Because of this, upon waking up this morning, Tendou Yagami was past the point of just being annoyed, his irritation was at its highest. Especially after getting a message from his step-mother.

Although his step-mother wasn't the worst compared to other women, it didn't mean that Tendou Yagami would like her. Not after his own mother's death, someone who wasn't dead for long before his father brought another woman into the family.

At the age of 8, Tendou Yagami grew to hate everyone around him to no means, especially after the arrival of a new mother and a new step-brother. It also fueled his snarky attitude and his cold personality, how he ignored pretty much everyone around him and did his own things. His tongue was poisonous, able to make even the nicest person boil with anger when he talked.

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