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"Here, let us finish this business in the training room." Tendou Naoki said as he noticed everyone's silence. He stared at them as he got up, his bodyguards moving with him.

Everyone watched as Tendou Naoki got up first before they all started to move too.

Otashi Hideo kept an eye on Tendou Yagami as Tendou Yagami did the same. He stood behind Shiru Sakura and Tendou Eiichi as their bodyguards moved around them.

Narisa Zeno looked at Otashi Hideo with pity. He could tell that the percentage of Tendou Yagami's hatred towards his father and Shiru Sakura was getting higher and higher the more he stared at them.

Narisa Daichii stared at his brother, his eyes glancing towards his son as he then whispered, "You never told me about how Zeno had met Naoki's grandson."

Narisa Fuchikawa looked at his brother upon hearing this and said, "I didn't know for sure if they were close or not. I had some speculations but I wasn't sure just yet. Shouldn't you be keeping an eye out for your own son? Although I know that you are giving him his own space to do as he wishes, there have been more people seeking out his whereabouts. You can't keep this away from him forever, especially when it's his own mother seeking him out."

Narisa Daichii walked with silence as he heard this. "It is because it's that woman that I wish for him to never find out. She left him, abandoned him when he was less than a day old and ran away to her lover. She sought out another and now that her marriage has ended in tatters, she returns to find the family that she had left. I know well that my son will not want to meet her again after what she has done."

Nairsa Fuchikawa could only look at Narisa Daichii without a word. He knew well too that Narisa Zeno had no good feelings for the mother that had abandoned him, no one would. She was now returning because she needed the money and power, she wasn't coming back because she loved them.

On Tendou Yagami's side, Narisa Zeno kept a close eye on Narisa Daichii and Narisa Fuchikawa but he did not walk towards them. Now wasn't the right time yet, especially after what Fei Shang had told him.

"Yagami, be careful." Tendou Akiyama couldn't help but warn as he pushed his glasses higher on his nose bridge. "One of the person by Otashi Hideo's side is not who he seems."

Ito Reo also nodded at what Tendou Akiyama said, "If Hideo has the face to agree to this, it must mean that they have a scheme they will play to make everything work. That woman has always schemed behind the scene, I wouldn't be surprised if she had already arranged everything in case of any mishaps."

"I know, I'll make sure to be careful." Tendou Yagami replied as he nodded his head. "Zeno, did you notice anything strange too?" Tendou Yagami asked as he softly glanced towards the man by his side, walking next to him.

Narisa Zeno looked at Tendou Yagami as he then said, "I am not too sure just yet but the man walking next to Hideo seems to be a high schooler at most. The clothes he is wearing covers up most details but his facial features also looks on the younger side. I've done some research on the people who are supposedly after me, one of the pictures I have has a man who looks similar to him." Narisa Zeno took a quick glance towards the man as he said so.

Tendou Yagami was about to say something else but they were interrupted as a loud voice called out, "We're here, step in."

The doors opened to reveal a room with mirrors inside, racks of weapons placed on the walls. There were also barriers and mats on the ground. The room was larger as it was a training room built for the purpose of teaching the newer members of the group.

"Father, are there any rules?" Tendou Eiichi asked, his hand holding onto Shiru Sakura's as he looked at Tendou Naoki.

"No need for that, it's the same rules as always. Unless you concede, it will be a fight to the death. As you can have someone alongside you, the rules may be a bit different but the core still remains. No weapons are allowed though, I want to see how you can deal with only your body." Tendou Naoki said as he took a seat on one of the chairs around the table.

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