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"Qingshan." Lu Fengmian suddenly froze and looked up. His fingers that were just playing the guqin stopped at once, the ethereal music playing in the small garden quieted.

Tang Qingshan smiled softly, his cold expression softening as he walked over to the table Lu Fengmian sat at. "My mother has begun teaching you how to play the guqin already, I see." Saying this, his eyes ran over the seven-stringed instrument made of the highest quality laying on the table.

Lu Fengmian smiled gently, his fingers gently playing the strings as he replied, "Aunt has just begun teaching me a few days ago. Most of the time, I practiced while you were gone and attending court." Lu Fengmian's long and slender fingers struck the strings, a soft tune was played as his eyes looked down, his long eyelashes clearly shown.

Tang Qingshan took a seat, grabbing a cup of tea for himself as he listened to the music. The melody was soft and gentle, peaceful at heart. The tune was very simple, but it was also heavy in emotion. Tang Qingshan couldn't help but say, "If I didn't know, I would've thought you've been playing the guqin much longer."

Hearing this, Lu Fengmian softly chuckled, a laugh blending in with the soft melody coming from the guqin, his fingers not stopping. "No, I can not compare to your mother. She is truly a master worthy of being revered."

From further away, a few maids stood silently, waiting for both Tang Qingshan and Lu Fengmian.

A silence descended as Tang Qingshan listened to the music, eyes closing while Lu Fengmian continued playing with a light smile on his face. Soon, the beautiful melody began slowing and Tang Qingshan opened his eyes to look at Lu Fengmian.

Lu Fengmian's fingers stopped and with one last tap of the string, he looked up, catching Tang Qingshan's eyes.

Tang Qingshan then said, "I have been talking to Nianzhen these past few days. He told me that your sister will be coming to this manor soon to visit you. I have been preparing things lately and haven't been able to tell you." Tang Qingshan set down the cup.

Lu Fengmian nodded his head before a sudden thought flew into his mind. He had just recently accepted the gift that Mo Chou had given to him, the Ruyao sword. For some reason, he was aching to have a battle against Tang Qingshan. Of course, it was all just for fun.

"I have just gotten the reward His Majesty bestowed to me. If it doesn't bother you, would you be able to spar with me?" Lu Fengmian!s voice was as calm and gentle as ever, smooth without a hint of any heavy emotion.

To this, Tang Qingshan easily agreed. "Of course, I have been wondering if it would be possible to spar with you."

Lu Frngmian's heart couldn't help but jump while looking at the soft glaze in Tang Qingshan's eyes. He thought he couldn't fall deeper, but here he was, a drunken fool in love. His eyes glimmered gently.

After the both of them were able to retrieve their swords, Lu Fengmian held the white double-sided sword in his hand, taking off the golden scabbard as he stood opposite of Tang Qingshan. His normal smile was erased, a more serene expression on his face though it couldn't hide the soft gleaming in his eyes.

The Ruyao sword was truly worthy of being a treasure from the Royal Treasury. It was a beautiful crafted sword, pure white with elaborate designs. The sword length was a bit on the longer side and was also thicker in length. On the handle, a small piece of red jade was placed, almost appearing like a dragon's eyes with the designing of the sword.

Tang Qingshan held onto a pure black sword. The sword was longer than the Ruyao sword, but it was thinner. The black color was intense and dark, but the engravings on the sword was defined by a white lining. Tang Qingshan had stated that this sword was called the Hexan sword.

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