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Lee Shinwoo was dreaming. He didn't know who he was in this dream but he could tell that it tied to his past. That meant that the body he was in was himself.

He wasn't able to control his body, it moved by its own will. This was his past, then this meant that everything he did in this dream was what he had done in his past life.

A man sat in front of him, his eyes were red, his hair tied up as he was dressed in a black robe that almost looked like an armor. His skin was pale with slanted eyebrows that were full of strength. He was handsome, but there was an aura escaping from him that couldn't be hidden, an aura that felt suspicious.

Lee Shinwoo didn't know who this person was. He was sitting across him playing a game of Go, a game that he definitely didn't know how to play.

Just then, Lee Shinwoo felt his face shift. A smile? He was smiling while he looked at this man. Lee Shinwoo realized something. Min Yongjoon had said that the past him was in love with a different man, that being said, it meant that the man ahead of him was the one that he supposedly loved.

"Baicheng, have you decided your move?" This was his voice but Lee Shinwoo didn't feel familiar to it. The man ahead of him was called Baicheng. Lee Shinwoo shivered with disgust at his own voice, warm, full of love towards this unknown man.

Baicheng smiled, his red eyes glinting as he finally picked up a black piece and placed it on the board. "You're getting better at this, it won't take long until you surpass me." He shook his head lightly.

Then Lee Shinwoo heard a chuckle come out of himself. "It's because you've been teaching me. After being beaten by you for so long, it's only a wonder if I didn't pick up something from you." Then his hand moved to place a white piece onto the board without a second to spare.

Baicheng looked at the board, his mind in thought. He knitted his brows, his attention on the board. "You're learning even faster than what I had thought. If I knew you would be putting me in such situations, I would've kept some secrets to myself." He chuckled as he finally put down a black piece after a while of debating.

And then, the scene changed. Lee Shinwoo felt a pain in his heart and realized that he was kneeling on the ground. His face turned to look at the person ahead of him. Baicheng. But then he realized that another person had come in, that person also had the same appearance as Baicheng?

Now, Lee Shinwoo knew that something was off because the original Baicheng in front of him, his face morphed into a different face. His eyes were now blue, a cold expression on. His hair was a mix of black and brown, his facial features appeared more gentle than that of Baicheng's. But he was also colder, his eyebrows were knitted as he narrowed his blue eyes.

"Baicheng, I'll leave it to you now." That man said as Baicheng came in front of him. There was an undeniable look of emotion in his eyes as he turned to Baicheng, his expression also softened.

Lee Shinwoo didn't know what was happening, his own body was in pain and his heart felt like it was being ripped from him. Lee Shinwoo felt his body stagger and caught himself back up again.

Baicheng sneered as he looked at Lee Shinwoo, "Xue Lu, guard the doors. Make sure that no one comes inside."

Xue Lu obeyed as he walked out the doors, taking one finally glance at Lee Shinwoo and he muttered something Lee Shinwoo couldn't hear.

Lee Shinwoo felt his mouth begin moving. "What did you do to him?"

Baicheng looked back, a sneer on his face as he asked, "What?" His eyes glinted with hatred.

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