Chapter 34

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Xiao Zhan and Yibo are in the mall now. They enter a traditional Chinese restaurant. They unable to walk into the luxury restaurants since they are only wearing plain white tees and sweatpants. When Yibo insisted to go in and about to show his cards, he remembered that he left his wallet at home. As usual, Xiao Zhan just rolled his eyes and dragged him to the ground floor of the mall where the fast food restaurants and homey food stalls are.

"Next time don't embarrass yourself in the public. I already suffered to take your second embarrassment...!" Xiao Zhan grumbling, when they have seated in the restaurant.

"I wasn't shame! I'm confident!" Yibo retorts.

"You are shameless, I know..!" Xiao Zhan glares at Yibo, opening the menu list the waiter gave him.

"They only judge us from our appearance, not from our wallet! They let the people in just because they wearing nice and expensive look. Who knows how much  in the bank account they have!" Yibo rambling about.

"You don't even have your wallet with you..." Xiao Zhan mumbles.

Yibo grins. He pinches Xiao Zhan's arm.

"What?" Xiao Zhan retorts.

"You are so cute. Buying me dinner most of the time..!" Yibo blabbering again.

"I even cook your three meals a day!" Xiao Zhan scowls.

"I know... You make yourself a good wifey..! Aaawww...!" Yibo grunts in the end of his sentence when Xiao Zhan kicks his leg under the table.

Xiao Zhan glares at Yibo then glances at the waiter. The waiter smiles at them.

"Are we obvious?" Yibo asks the waiter and then grins.

"Very much!" The Waiter answers.

Xiao Zhan sighs.

"People can see, sho.. Zhan Zhan..!" Yibo winks his eye at Xiao Zhan.

Then they order some food.

"How's your college?" Xiao Zhan asks, munching his food.

"Mm.. fine! I always hit the first rank!" Yibo answers, picking up a piece of meat from the serving plate.

"I need to buy a new suit. The office held a party next Saturday," says Xiao Zhan.

"Aww... Again boring weekend?" Yibo makes a complaint.

"Come with me to the party, then!" Xiao Zhan offers an invitation to Yibo.

"Can I?" Yibo's face beams.

"If you're can stand for being a normal human," Xiao Zhan snorts.

"Zhan Zhan...! You say I'm not human?" Yibo whines.

Xiao Zhan sniggers.

"Oh, well... Fine! I'm alien!" Yibo huffed.

"You said it! Not me!" Xiao Zhan snickers.

"You make me!" Yibo glaring at Xiao Zhan.

"Don't be mad..! Your handsomeness gets lesser..!" Xiao Zhan teasing him.

"Oh! You say I'm handsome now! You just realize, uh?" Yibo scowls.

"Handsome alien!" Xiao Zhan sneers.

"Zhan Zhan... I never seen any aliens being handsome in any movies! They're always bold head, green colour or blue, hollowed big eyes, flat nose and invisible mouth! They're ugly!" Yibo rumbling.

"That's in the movies. They're unreal. But you are real..!" Xiao Zhan is eating cheesecake now.

Yibo heating up the frying pan and throws a piece of butter inside. He grins so wide.

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