16 - Deal

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Jackson's POV

+ not edited

"Oh shit! I uh sorry sorry." I groan opening my eyes to Adrian's voice. Fuck. Why couldn't I move, wait did I just wake up? I just woke up. I would've started dancing if I didn't have Kiona on me. I didn't mind though.

It was rough last night, I may have slept longer than 3 hours, but she kept mumbling things in her sleep and waking up. Somehow she managed to fall right back asleep.

She groans moving. Oh fuck don't move there. Yea I had to get up before something else moves where it shouldn't be. I managed to get her off if me without waking her. Jeez heavy sleeper. I brush my teeth, so happy that I could skip downstairs.

"So were my eyes deceiving me or was that Kiona in your bed with you and you were shirtless." I roll my eyes at Adrian's question-ish statement.

"Wait huh? Backup." Liam says strolling in with a bowl or cereal into the kitchen.

"Oh my god y'all fucked." Luca says. They were actual children.

"No we didn't!" I say answering Luca's question first. "I just idk, asked her if she wanted to sleep with me...woah ok not like that." I explain flicking Luca off. "We just went to sleep." I say.

"And that's all?" Liam asks and I nod.

"Wait did you just say that you slept? Oh fuck she's powerful." Luca says wide eyed.

"Who's powerful?" Kiona walks in wrapping a blanket around her as she happily greets her kids.

"Uh you ma'am. I think you need to sleep with Jackson every night." Adrian says putting on his glasses. Wow fantastic way to word that.

"Huh...?" She laughs awkwardly.

"Ya see. Jackson here hasn't slept for like more than like 2 hours in a very long time. A very long long long time." Luca exaggerates and she looks at me.

"You obviously have something to do with it because he slept for what 8 hours huh?" Luca concludes and I nod.

"Why can't you sleep well?" She asks.

"I don't really know, too much stuff on my mind." I say furrowing my eyebrows at my own answer.

"Well sorry for waking up so much, it doesn't happen often." She speaks softly. "Lucky for you, I'd love to sleep with you..." she starts laughing and so do I. "But I'm leaving tomorrow." She sings happily. I really got used to her staying here. The week went by a little too fast.

"What? You are?" Liam asks shocked.

"No!" Luca pouts

"Stay, you basically live here now," Adrian states. She laughs reaching on her tippie toes to get a box of cereal down.

"No, don't help me!" She yells and gets it down. "See I'm not short fuck off!"

"I don't know 5'4 seems pretty short to me." Lucas states.

"I'm 5'5 and a half." She says glaring at us.

"Wow you're fun sized." I say and start laughing.

"It's cuz all of y'all are ten feet tall." She exaggerates.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm 5'10." Adrian says. "But you're still short."

"Well I'm 6 feet tall." Luca says childish sticking his tongue out at Adrian.

"Wow shorty," Liam says that towards Luca. "I'm 6'1 and a half."

"The half doesn't matter when you're still short. I'm 6'3." I say flicking off Liam.

"Ok car wash inflatable." Luca laughs and so does Kiona. Her laugh was very contagious and so was her smile and her- I needed to get her off of my mind. Somehow.

"On a serious note, we have to focus on Andrei, he may be dead, but his gang isn't." I take out a notebook flipping to almost anything the end. All my plans were in here sloppily written down.

"Oh my gosh, did you know Kiona managed to shoot him in the leg." Adrian pipes up. "I mean come on now she's better than you."

"Yea I don't wanna talk about it." She mumbles going back to being quiet. I stare at her only for her to look down eating her cereal.

"Ok... uh it may be a pain in the ass driving there again but, we're not going in blindly. I want to set that whole warehouse on fire. It shouldn't be that hard, half of the things in there are flammable. I'll talk to Will and Elijah for the explosives and shit." I say writing as I talk. I didn't want to ever hear from this gang again.

They all nod. "We'll be ready for anything." Adrian nods speaking for all of them. "Why are you leaving Kiona?" He asks changing the subject.

"Well I only stayed here because Jackson demanded me to, because of the people that were after me. He said I had to stay a week...to be safe." She explains. "But that week's over and I'm going home." She smiles happily.

"Jackson, I think you should demand her to stay again." Luca states crossing his arms. She laughs washing her bowl out.

"Pleasee no, I've been like locked away from society." She says facing us again pulling the blanket back over her shoulders.

"Orrrr until you graduate." I suggest. "Come on I'm keeping my promise. I keep you alive until you graduate." I wouldn't mind her staying here for three more weeks. She was the light the house. Me and the boys basically kept our talks business related and short. Now I'd be socializing with them everyday. It was a subtle change that felt weird but good. I barely came out of my room, only to go to work and eat.

"That'd be fine..." she drifts off biting her lip thinking. "I mean, I'm still going to uni and I'm definitely not staying locked up here. Also, I'm going out to see my friends whenever. You don't know how boring it is to sit in an office and hear you destroy your keyboard while typing." She says somewhat rambling.

"Should've stayed home with us but nooo, Jackson's call." Luca glances at me.

"Alright, if you stay. Do whatever the fuck you want. Right Jackson?" Adrian hits me in my shoulder. I fake smile at him back.

"Yea sure. Deal?" I turn towards her.



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