33 - Daddy kink

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

I walk down the stairs in my pajamas, it was so early. I was only up because they were making so much noise.

"Haha! Have fun at school." I say childishly sticking my tongue out at Kiera. She glares at me putting her earbuds in.

"Why can't I tell my 23 year old and my 15 year old apart." My mom asks and I laugh. "Anyway, is he coming over for dinner later?" My mom asks.

"Who coming over?" My stepdad bellows out coming down the stairs.

"Damn you're loud as hell." My momma says annoyed. "Her boyfriend."

"Not exactly." I butt in. "And yes mom he is."

She claps excitedly and Anthony, my step dad, stares me down. I ignore him continuing to talk to my mom.

"Tell him 7. I'll be home later than I usually do but I will still make dinner for us." She says and I nod.

"And why the hell are you limping?" She asks so I make up a believable lie.

"I was practicing wearing heels and fell." I lie right through my teeth, but what was I to tell her that I basically got shot.

Thirty minutes later and they were all out the house. So, what better to do than go back to sleep with peace and quiet?


"That's so corny Jackson." I say.

"You don't think she'll like flowers?" He looks down at me. He picked me up from my house a little later and we went to the store.

"I mean she will but that's so typical." I say and he shrugs. "Get roses though." I mumble grabbing his hand and leaning against his shoulder. We walk around the mall a little more before heading back to my house for dinner.

"Why are you more nervous than I am?" He asks putting his hand on my thigh to stop it from bouncing. I stopped thinking about the dinner and started thinking about his hand on my thigh.

"I don't know, first guy I'm bringing home." I say.

"Oh yea, what an honor." He says grinning. "Anything I gotta know?" He questions and shit I didn't even know myself.

"Ok well, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. He doesn't like white guys, he thinks black should stay with black and white should stay with white. He's going to be like that all dinner, but I have no problem with leaving early. My sister Kiera is very sarcastic and cracks jokes all the time, she's impulsive."

"Wow just like you." He laughs pulling into my driveway.

"Uh my moms nice, as you heard, that's pretty much it. I think?"

"You ready?" He asks switching his car o off.

"You're scaring me." I furrow my eyebrows. "Why aren't you nervous?"

"Babydoll, I'm not scared of anyone or anything alright?" He says kissing me really quick, then gets out. I get out taking his hand and leading him in the house.

"We're here." I shout out closing the door behind us. Our cat runs at us making me smile for atleast a little bit.

"Oh hi! You gonna introduce me Kiona?" My mom says coming out of the kitchen.

"Mom this is Jackson, Jackson this is my mom, Rose."

"Nice to meet you, I uh got you these roses." He says holding out his hand for her to shake. "Oh, I get it now." He says referring to why I told him to get her roses.

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