37 - Panorama Bitch

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

"Ok so Adri, you go, 'panorama bitch ooh, panorama'" I say teaching him a tik tok dance because we were bored. [a/n: for all my tik tokers ;) ]

Jackson was out at the warehouse with Luca and who knows where the hell Liam was. Probably getting laid. "Kiona, you know this is too difficult." He sighs loudly.

"It's not even! Ok uhmmm, Say So is easy." I say looking for the sound.

"Oh shit, I got it!" He exclaims and I start cracking up.

"We're back! Uh, actually I'm not sure I want to be." Luca announces and we turn around. "Adrian dancing is not something I want to see."

"Just because you don't have rhythm with ya white ass, don't talk about me." Adri flicks him off and Luca shakes his head.

"Y'all on that app again?" Jackson asks and we both nod.

"Wanna learn one?" I tease and be immediately makes a face. "Come on." I pull him to the family room. "Ok im gonna teach you an easy one, Outwest." I turn to him and he just stands there.

I roll my eyes at him and playfully push him to get him to cooperate. "Ok, ok, teach me." He complies and I clap happily and start teaching them.

"See it ain't hard." I say and Luca laughs from the side. "Y'all ready?" I say setting up my phone and start the countdown. The guards all minded their own business like this wasn't happening.

Jack and Adri actually did it, until Liam bursts through the front door. "What in the fuck is going on?" Liam makes a stank face at us.

"But anyways, come to the kitchen!" He shouts.

"Let's get this straight. You will not fuck in my kitchen, you will not stand in my kitchen, you will not cook in my kitchen. Only kiona because she can actually bake things, other than that you can only fix you a bowl of cereal!" Liam instructs because he just had the whole kitchen redone. It's always been like this but now he was so set on not fucking up his kitchen.

"The only exception I'd make is for Adrian to make something as well because at least his 50% Puerto Rican side allows him to be affluent in different seasonings."

"Y'all all both fifty percent plain," I joke.

"Yes Kiona," Liam rolls his eyes playfully. "Ok well technically, my mom's biracial and my dads black so, yes but not half?" He questions and I shake my head urging him to go on not wanting to hear more of his math.

"Fuck your kitchen." Luca says laughing as Liam glares at him.

"Whatever, as long as you make us dinner still." Adrian shrugs walking back out. And he did, every night Liam would make dinner and sometimes he'd make breakfast which was nice. Even though I got home late frequently, he'd always label my food and put it in the fridge.

Everyone had a second hobby or job that they liked to do to get their minds off of things. Liam's was cooking, mine was baking and sketching. Adrian and Luca slept everything off while Jackson didn't do anything else besides his job.

"Now, leave uglies so I can make the first dinner in my kitchen." He pushes us out.

"How's your relationship going Adrian?" Luca teases.

"Actually good. Oh fuck, shit shit shit shit." He frantically curses.

"What?" We all ask.

"I'm going on a date with him. I gotta go!" Adrian almost runs Thor over, who starts barking at him violently.

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