40 - Bitch!

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Kionas POV

+ not edited

"Adrian Adrian!" I whisper shout getting his attention. I heard approaching footsteps and I did not want to die, at least this time.

He cocks his gun aiming at the sound, but still keeps notice in the direction he was shooting. My heart was beating fast and I felt so sick.

"Luca?" Adrian furrows his eyebrows and I finally look up. I start to freak out at the sight.

Jackson, was limping and he had his jacket off tied around his left leg. Oh no no no no no. Luca shifted his hold on Jackson slightly, making him wince then clench his jaw.

"Kiona I need you to take him home." Luca starts speaking extremely fast making my head spin. He gave me their house doctors phone number to call so they could get all the stuff necessary to get this bullet out of Jackson.

"No I'm fine. Let me go back in, give me my gun." Jackson glares at Luca who rolls his eyes.

He got shot. Now I had to get us both in the clear and to a car. Luca hands him off to me and it was clear that he could definitely not go back in even if he tried.

He points to the car and we carefully and as quickly as possible get him settled in the car and hop in the drivers seat. I sped out the drive and a bullet pierced the back window, only making me speed faster.

"Look, we're fine now." He says through clenched teeth. 

"Jackson you just got fucking shot!" I whisper shout because he was acting like it was all fucking normal.

"I've been shot before babydoll, ain't nothing new." He turns towards me laughing. Laughing!

"You're fucking crazy." My heart was beating fast as hell, probably faster than when the bullet grazed me. At a red light, I take his flannel that I was wearing and wrap in around his leg tight. His jacket was too thin and he was bleeding through.

"No we can't go to the hospital if that's what you're thinking. Take me home." He says.

"The bullet is still in you Jackson what the fuck do you mean. You're fucking crazy you're batshit crazy." I say helping him stand. I think I was going crazy at this point. I was losing my mind.

He looks at me, amused as I manage to start the car and speed off.

"Jackson you're stressing me the fuck out." I say tapping my nails against the wheel getting inpatient at red lights.

"It's cute to know that you care." He grins smugly.

"Bitch I don't want you to die!"

I was not a Apple employee by day and superhero by night. Finally, after 15 minutes we were home. Some men got him out of the car as I followed to where they went. They had a whole operation room in their basement.

The doctor was already there seeing as if I called him way before arriving. There were 2 other people alongside the doctor and I still did not feel good about this.

"Oh god, Jackson, again?" The doctor, Regan says like this is regular. "I have to take the bullet out. Fast. Stop the bleeding immediately. We've done this before okay?" The doctor says reassuring Jackson. I was not reassured, I was scared shitless and I didn't even get shot.

The doctor left the room and like what the hell? He's going to bleed out at this point.

"Babydoll," he calls out lifting his head from the pillow. I stand at the top of the hospital type bed and look over him. 

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