39 - Distant

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

Thanks for 100k, 🥺🥺 I cannot believeeeee ittttt💜🤠

A month later and working at Apple has surprisingly been extremely fun and stressful. Of course it was going to be stressful at times, but to be honest the people I worked with acted like little kids who were somehow extremely smart. I made some friends which made me more comfortable here to know that I had someone to sit with at lunch or something like that and not be cooped up in my office for hours.

I'd walk around Apple Park with them and let me tell you the exercise was great. It may have made me tired, but it was a good walk.

"We finished the design yes yes yes!" Kevin jumped up and down excitedly. Kevin, somehow was full of energy and he always said it was because he's gay as a joke.

There were ten of us who followed what he did. We got weird stares as people walked past us but oh well.

"Kiona you're a fucking genius oh my gosh." Aria gushes making me smile. "No but for real we were stuck on how to get the 5 cameras on the phone." Aria adds. Yes five cameras, it was excessive to me and the price was unbelievably high. Almost 2,000 dollars for a phone, but it wasn't my job to set the price, I wish it was.

"I'm paying for everyone, let's go to Chico's!" Oasis says pushing us out the door. Two hours later and we were all full  back in the meeting room.

"Oh my, those wings are hot!" Daniel exclaims. He was a typical white guy with black hair and pale skin. If I didn't know vampires weren't real, then I would've assumed he was one.

"They weren't, you're just white." Oasis sticks her tongue out at him. Oasis was fucking gorgeous. I'm pretty sure she said that she was Dominican and had beautiful full black curls that came to her shoulder.

I laughed at all the commotion wanting to go home to get some sleep. I haven't slept in 2 days because I just wanted to get this done and over it.

Jackson called me ridiculous for not sleeping and said that he'd stay up with me. Once he hit the bed he was out. I looked at the time and it was 7:26pm. There's been a lot of overtime and I didn't really mind. I didn't like to be bored with nothing to do. They gladly paid me for overtime, because most jobs were stingy and didn't like to.

I was always used to leaving here at like 10 most days, sometimes 11.

"Alright guys, I'll see y'all next week."I say grabbing my bookbag giving all of them hugs. I was truly brain fried and I don't think I could answer 2+2 after doing all that math.

I head straight for my car getting in and put my head against the steering wheel finally being able to calm down. It feels like I haven't seen much of Jackson lately which was really weird.

I mean we didn't have any problems it's just that work both hit us like a truck and when I was home he wasn't and vice versa. I guess I had just gotten used to seeing him every single day. I still lived with him and he took it upon himself to put my apartment back up for rent.

"Jackson Scott Taylors! Why in the hell is my apartment not my apartment anymore?" I shout up the stairs folding my arms.

I hear a door shut and a minute later he comes jogging down the stairs. "Yes babydoll?" He says innocently, so I repeat myself.

"Oh. Well, will you move in with me? Do I have to ask formally? Is that what normal couples do?" He asks shutting his eyes tightly crossing his fingers.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Move in with me." He says more as a demand and not a question." His eyes turned a deep ocean blue rather than the light icy blue they always are.

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