45 - Charity

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

"Baby I don't want to go." I say pouting still putting on the dress anyway. He comes behind my in the mirror buttoning his suit and damn. He was attractive as hell.

"Babydoll, too late." He laughs leaning his chin on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist. I roll my eyes again sighing fixing the belt that wrapped around under my boobs.

He just watches me through the mirror—admires me through the mirror.

"Babydoll, is it bad that I can't wait for the night to end already, because I can't wait to rip this off of you tonight," he says chuckling making me shiver. Bitch I just put the shit on, but I mean, we can skip the fundraiser.

"Take it off then," I bite my lip, challenging him through the mirror. He takes a deep breath closing his eyes.

"Don't tempt me." He says so I move back on him and I hear him take a sharp intake of breath. I smirk to myself feeling him grab my hips, but to stop me.

"Babydoll, I really don't want to rip you out of that dress right now, because we have a event to get to." He says smiling really big changing the subject.

"Oh no!" I say dramatically. "I thought you were gonna take me right there," I say. He glares at me to stop testing him.


I tug on Jackson's hand as we walked through the front doors. I was basically blinded with the lights of the ballroom and the lights from the cameras. Jackson smiled at everyone he greeted while I stood there probably looking like an irritating kid. I was just so intrigued by the scenery and the people. It was overwhelming.

"Babydoll you okay?" He asks moving his arm to around my waist. I nod quietly. He looks at me a little longer continuing to lead me to the ballroom.

I've said hello and introduced myself to a whole lot of people. Some of them even knew me from the shocking position I got at Apple right out of college. I was asked to do interviews left and right, for newspapers and news channels. One interaction left me irritated but I had to stay composed.

"Oh nice to see you again Jackson," A tall blonde girl comes up and hugs him, subtly elbowing me out the way. Jackson nods shaking this older guy's hand that approached us alongside the blonde.

"Oh sorry didn't see you there," She says looking down at me. I glance at Jackson but he doesn't make eye contact. Instead, he slides his hand down to my ass giving it a squeeze.

"So who is this Jackson? You seem awfully close." She chuckles but no one else does.

"This is my girlfriend Kiona, Kiona meet Mr.Stanton, Mrs. Stanton and Elizabeth Stanton. I wave smiling at them only getting a smile back from Mr. Stanton.

Ok then...

"Your dress is beautiful, but I mean it'd look better on a fairer skinned person." Elizabeth says, scrunching her nose.

"And maybe a skinnier person," the mother jumps in. Oh ok. These people are something different aren't they.

"Yea anything else? Because I will not hesitate to beat your ass and ya momma's-" I start out but Jackson cuts me off.

"That's pretty fucking ignorant if you both to say, she looks better than y'all ever could. At least her personality is genuine and not fake like your whole body is Liz. It'd be a shame if I cut off business with you huh because you wouldn't be able to afford anymore plastic in you. Sad." Jackson rants.

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