Chapter Twelve

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The Devereux house was bustling as the girls prepped for school and breakfast. Nona sat at the head of the breakfast table drinking her coffee, while Margot watched her three girls with a smile. "So, you can successfully control earth elements, water and wind?" Edie asked as she spread butter and jelly on her toast. "I can successfully control earth elements. Water and wind are finicky and fire is out of the question at the moment."

"Hey Nona, I want to ask you something." Isla sat next to her grandmother. "What can you tell me about Grey and his family that just moved here." At the mention of the werewolf, Nona peaked. "Why do you want to know, honey?" Isla was not going to tell her grandmother or mother that she suspected Grey was her mate.

As she thought more about their walk home, Isla remembered Edie describing how she felt about Brendan when she was near him and it all matched how she was feeling when she was near Grey. Mixed species mating wasn't unheard of, but it was very rare. She wanted to make sure it was true before she spoke on it. "I just want to know as a member of the Student Council. I want to make sure his first day is a good one," Isla smiled hoping her wise and all-knowing grandmother wouldn't see through her bullshit.

It seemed to work. Nona told her what she knew and Isla immediately understood where his hatred of witches came from. She understood why he would be angry, but to lump all witches in one bucket worth hating seemed childish and unnecessary. "Thanks, Nona." Isla gave her a kiss on the cheek as she went to grab her cross-body backpack. "Oh, Isla," Nona spoke up getting up to rinse her mug. "You have two other new students to be mindful of." Isla scrunched her eyebrows.

"The Council took in two families?" Edie and Margot asked in unison. "Yes, two vampire teenagers. I believe they're also in Isla's grade," Nona smiled. "What are their names?" Isla inquired as she headed towards the front door. "The girl is named Petra..." Nona drifted. The mention of the name Petra had Isla's ears peaked. Otha's words came back to her in that moment. She was snapped back to reality when Nona mentioned a brother. "Her twin brother's name is Paxton." Isla didn't realize she was in shock.

Arlo looked at her older sister for a few moments, almost in a daze. They all knew that meant she was getting a vision and Isla was eager to know what she saw after all the information she had just been given. When Arlo came to a huge smile spread on her face. "What did you see Lolo?" Isla asked hopeful about whatever it was due to her sister's contagious smile. "Oh, nothing," Arlo replied coyly. "Seriously," Isla deadpanned. "Let's just say you're going to have a day." Arlo said walking towards Edie's SUV.

The whole drive to school Isla was quiet. She wanted to see him. She needed to and it seemed the closer they got to school the more her need to be with him grew. However she didn't know what it meant in relation to Grey. Grey was possibly her mate, but Paxton was the literal boy of her dreams. They met in a dream a random night a few weeks after her 12th birthday.

They talked about so many things and shared so many intimate firsts together as the years went on. Isla new she loved him and Paxton told her flat out that he loved her, but they figured they were figments of the other's imagination and simply cherished what they had in the dream world. But at the mention of Petra, who is Paxton's twin sister, Isla grew hopeful. Paxton if you are real and I find you I promise to kiss you on the spot.

"You're awfully quiet this morning," Edie stated as she parked the car. Isla wanted to tell her sister everything. She wanted to tell her about Grey and Paxton and about her powers, but she didn't want Edie to worry. So, Isla told a half-truth. "I'm just thinking about the new kids and hoping they like it here in Ravenswood."

Edie smiled at her sister as they made their way around the car. "You have such a big heart, little sis." Brendan called out for Edie at the front of the university across the street and waved her over. "You go ahead I'll see you at home." Isla couldn't explain it but every supernatural bone in her body was telling her to stay put.

She didn't understand why until she saw a silver sports car pull into the parking lot and drop off two teenagers. The first a beautiful black girl with fair skin and the blackest hair she had ever seen and she immediately knew that was Petra. She remembered her from the few times she joined Paxton in dreams. Then he walked out. His white, blond hair was messy but in a way that worked for him. His face held an anxious expression and she wanted to immediately calm all of his fears. "Petra? Paxton?" She asked not really believing what her eyes were showing her.

"Holy shit you're real!" Petra exclaimed running towards Isla and embracing her. Isla squeezed back as the two laughed in the embrace. "I can't believe you're real!" Isla laughed as the two looked one another over. "Pax, I told you she was real! I told you!" Paxton stood a few feet away from them just staring. He couldn't explain it, but he felt as though the wind were hugging him. He felt as if he were to jump in that moment he would float and he knew it had something to do with her.

Isla smiled at the shocked gray-eyed boy and did the one thing her body had been begging for since she laid eyes on him. She ran up to him and kissed him. This wasn't a peck. This was a real kiss in the real world and not in some dream state. It took a second for the shock to wear off for Paxton, but once it did, he immediately pulled Isla against him and kissed her back. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue requesting entrance and once he got it he was a goner. He had been waiting for this moment for years never knowing if it would ever happen, but here she was real as day and in his arms. He knew from that moment that he was never letting her go.

They both pulled away for air and just smiled at one another. "You're real," he whispered against her lips causing Isla to giggle. "Yeah and so are you," She breathed out. They could've stood there staring into one another's eyes all day if it hadn't been for the bell ringing a warning for students to get to first period. "Come on love birds we got to get to class," Petra announced making her way towards the school. Isla and Paxton followed suit hand in hand. They were so entranced by one another that they didn't notice a pair of brown eyes shifting to golden ones glaring at them from a nearby window.

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