Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"She hates me." Paxton wallowed as everyone made their way out of The Gates. "She doesn't hate you. She's just confused. I know you can feel it too." Grey said as he walked beside Paxton and Petra. "But did you know?" Paxton knew they both deserved an answer. "I knew that my dad was the creator of XS. I also knew that he had teamed up with my grandfather, but I did not know they had some plan to takeover Ravenswood. I would've said something if I had." Grey nodded believing him. "She'll believe you too, you know. You just have to give her time to figure things out." Grey patted him on the back and said his goodbyes to Petra before turning to head to Bane's Manor.

"You're not going to lose her, Paxton." Petra smiled slightly at her downtrodden twin. "I can't lose her, Petra. I just can't. Everything our father touches turns to ash and I won't let him take her away from me like he did Mom. We will win this fight and then we will kill him once and for all." Petra smiled at her brother and grabbed his arm.

"We will kill him and grandfather for all the wrong they have done to this family and the country." Paxton knew normal siblings didn't spend their time planning the murder of their parent and grandparent, but there was nothing normal about them. Their father made sure of that. He was going to keep Isla and Ravenswood, the only place he could call home after his mother died, safe by any means necessary.

Isla sat on the cliff in Harmony Harbor and breathed in deeply. The fresh seawater did something to calm her. She made small cyclones in the ocean and sighed. "Don't tell me you're going to jump." Isla smiled at the voice behind her before turning around. "Hey Grams," Isla greeted Hera Langford. "Come inside kiddo. We need to talk." Isla stood up and made her way into the Langford mansion. Isla had practically lived in the house herself, but always managed to be in awe at the homeliness and welcoming nature that engulfed it despite its outside appearance.

She followed Hera into the kitchen where two cups of tea waited for them at the bar. Isla took a seat and a sip of the chamomile tea. Hera sat beside her and smiled that smile that only she had. Isla immediately started to feel better just being in her presence. She always had that ability to calm even the most tumultuous hearts. Hera Langford was the epitome of hippie. She believed in nature and natural properties, chakras and everything in line with mind over matter. Her long gray hair, piercing hazel eyes and smile that brought tranquility completed the essence that was she.

"So, how much do you know or do I need to start from the beginning?" Hera chuckled. "I know about your mates, I know you're an orb, I know about the drug and I know that Evan is coming back and bringing his son to boot." Isla nodded. "Well then you're all caught up." Hera shook her head no. "I don't know why you left the woods in such a huff or why you're throwing yourself a pity party with an attendance of 1."

Isla sighed loudly. "My mate, Paxton, is Evan Pavlov's grandson. George Pavlov's great-grandson. How could fate be so cruel?" Hera looked at Isla, who she considered a granddaughter and could feel the torment rumbling within. "What's wrong with his linage? Other than the obvious...from what I've heard he's nothing like his father or grandfather or great-grandfather."

Isla thought of Paxton and smiled. "He's nothing like them. He's kind, easygoing and so loving." "Then what's the problem?" Isla looked at the woman she also considered a grandmother as tears welled in her eyes. "My great-grandmother killed his great-grandfather with the help of my grandmother. Now his grandfather and father are coming back to finish the attack and I know that this is all going to end in bloodshed. Blood that me as the orb is going to have to shed. How can he ever love me after I do what inevitably has to be done?" Hera held her tightly as Isla cried. "He loves you, Isla. There is nothing that will ever change that. I think you need to talk to him about these fears and have him give you the truth. That is what will calm you and settle your heart."

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