Tripped out

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Dee pov

"Hey Tavonnn!" I said running up to him hugging him and he picked me up and spinned me around.

"Wassup Jaidee" he said grabbing my suitcase and he placed his hand over my shoulder as we made our way out the airport and towards his car.

"Take me to your moms first I wanna say hi" I told him.

"I ain't your chauffeur nigga. It's late as fuck she prolly sleep anyway and I was gon swing by tomorrow" he said

"But I wanna see her nowwww!" I said

"Act your age and stop whining I said tomorrow" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Okayyyy!" I said shifting my body towards the window.

"Don't do that shit"  he said and I just ignored me

"So how's Cali?" He questioned

"It's good I miss it here tho. How is it for you?" I said

"Same old shit these crackers out here crazy as fuck it's always something going on in the news I don't even watch it but I stay hearing about it" he said

"You should move to Cali" I said

"My ma here tho I can't leave her" he said

"Duhh bring her cause I really be missing y'all" I said truthfully. Our families knew each other for so long so they were part of the family.

"I'ma think about it no cap" he said

"What's there to think about just do it" I said

"It ain't that easy nigga" he said

"Yes it is"

"I got business here"

"Business is better in Cali" I said

"Not my type of business I don't know nobody there"

"You know me.. wait what type of business you taking about?" I questioned staring at him and he focused on the road

"Don't worry about all that" he said and I scrunched my face up.

"What you worried l'ma call the cops on you or something?" I said

"Nah it's just none of your business" he said pulling up to the complex and once he parked I hopped out the car.

"You walking in front of me all fast and shit like you got the keys" he said

"Nah you just walking too slow and I'm tired" I said yawning making him yawn.

"Put the key in the hole why you taking so long"

"Shut the fuck up it's dark as fuck outside flash yo fucking light so I can see instead of complaining"

"I don't know why you being so mean" I said

"My bad I forgot you was a simp" he said laughing

"That's not funny"

"Shit it is to me" he said finally opening the door and as soon as I walked in all I smelled was weed

"You got to be addicted nigga" I said coughing waving my hands around

"You can't be addicted to weed I can stop anytime I want I just don't want to right now" he said sitting on the couch.

"That's something an addict would say" I said sitting next to him

"Whatever you wanna smoke tho? That shit make me sleep good that's why I smoke it" he said

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