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Even after stepping out of the car, Akshay was still busy adoring his beautiful wife who was adjusting her attire. She looked up to find him all mesmerized and questioned him with her eyes, he smiled and nodded in no before holding her hand firmly in his. He was not willing to let go!

'Why is he so different today?Even he is dragging me into his flow,' Nakshatra thought while he entangled their hands and walked towards the venue.

'She is really something, Am I being attracted towards her! Previously also I was attracted to many women but she is giving me a tough time, Is it because she is my wife?' Akshay thought and looked at her who had a small smile on her face and was looking around.

Slowly, he took her hand towards his lips and fluttered a kiss, making her gasp a little. Akshay was awestruck by his own actions and suddenly thought his actions might upset her considering the circumstances of their marriage but seeing her smile sweetly at him he got relieved.

'Akshay! Are you fine?' She asked.
'No! Not really!' He whispered in the cold night.
'Why so?'
'You know it better because it's all your spell,' He stated making her blush.
'Yeah! Not joking.'

'Akshay! Is this even a proper time to flirt? That to with your very own wife?' Nakshatra asked with a soft tone.

'Nakshu, Its not about the time, Its about you and most importantly I am not flirting, its just the fact. Even if I am flirting will you be really okay if I do it with anyone else other than my wife?' Akshay questioned with a naughty eyes.

Nakshatra glared at him and looking at his naughty face, she withdrew her hand forcefully which was in his hand all this time and rushed towards the door. Akshay was taken by surprise by her sudden action, he ran towards her and held her.

'It won't look good if we go separately,' Akshay whispered.  She kept quite and looking at his cute wife with those blush red cheeks, he couldn't help but admire her throughout the time. He pecked her hand again and this time she melted and smiled bright which didn't go unnoticed by him, dragging her towards him they walked into the hotel.

The whole place was beautifully decorated and was well lit with romantic lights, it felt more like a business gathering, as very few and selected members were invited. The less crowd to an extent made the couple more comfortable.

As soon as they entered, the whole attention of the place turned towards them

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As soon as they entered, the whole attention of the place turned towards them. They both smiled at each other and walked ahead.

Nakshatra saw her parents who were waiting to welcome them. She had  finally got to see her parents after two days and it didn't feel weird for her, she was used to not seeing her parents for days and weeks when they went on long business trips. She was neither happy nor eager to see her family, Akshay who noticed this was about to let go of her hand, so that she can go and speak to her family.

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