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Nakshatra was in deep sleep when they reached back home. Pulling the car near the mansion Akshay tried his best not to disturb her.

'She is really something!' he thought looking at her peaceful slumber. Unbuckling his seatbelt,at first he thought of waking her up but his heart denied. He took out his phone to find a text from Rohan.

'I saw you two sneaking out, have fun but be safe and don't forget to give me a call when you reach back,' It said.

He looked at the sky and it was almost the wee hours of day. Hesitatingly, he called up his brother who was in deep sleep.

After few rings he picked the call,'Rohan,Open the door for me.'

'Why? Don't you have the key?' Rohan murmured in sleep.
'I have but Nakshatra is not in a state to walk,' Akshay said.
'What? Is she hurt? Wait! You are fine na?' Rohan was up from his sleep.
'We are fine, its just that she is asleep,' Akshay said.

Roham cut the call and Akshay picked up his wife into his embrace, kicking the car door close, he walked to the main door. Rohan opened it in minutes and couldn't stop giggling.

'Side effects of marriage bro!' he winked.
'Shut up and lock the door,' Akshay ordered.
'So authoritative! Poor Nakshu,' Rohan murmured closing the doors.
'Go sleep idiot,' Akshay chided.
'Thanks for disturbing my sleep,' Rohan replied with annoyed tone and went back to his room to catch his sleep.

Akshay walked towards their room, looking at the locked door he sighed.  He struggled a little to open the door and his actions disturbed her sleep who was in his arms.

'Akshay! Put me down,' she spoke abruptly realising being in his arms.
'I said sleep,' he commanded still fumbling on the door knob.
'Why don't you put me down?' she tried to get out of his arms but his grip tightened.
'Stop struggling or else I wont hesitate to kiss you....again!' Akshay stated giving a bunch of butterflies in her little tummy.

Her actions came to an halt at once, his words had the impact he desired.
'Open the door for me,' He said looking at her awe face. After two seconds, her reflexes worked and she click opened the door wide enough for them to enter.

'Sleep now,' He said placing her slowly on the bed. She tried to say something but he paused her by kissing on forehead,'Good night,' He said looking into her eyes, she replied with a smile as her voice was struck somewhere in her throat.

'I am really blessed to have him,' she thought closing her eyes. She could feel his gaze on her throughout and after a while the place next to her was occupied by him. His arm snaked her waist, holding her in his embrace from behind and he dozed off. She could feel his warm breathe on the backside of her nape,'Good night Akshay,' She whispered to herself and slept in his embrace.

Next day morning,
Nakshatra's alarm broke her sleep and she slowly stirred in her beauty sleep to turn it off but before she could do so the music went off and she blink opened her eyes to see the charming face of her husband with messy hair and eyes little open. She looked at his arm which after turning off the alarm was resting on her waist while her one hand was clutching onto his attire.

A Fantasy Tale! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant