𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 - 𝒏𝒐 𝒃𝒊𝒈 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆

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August's warmth failed to spill into the first week of September, forcing me to take my autumn clothes out of the box I had packed them in. I rummage through the piles of cardboard boxes, all labeled with various clothing descriptions, all my boxes. My sister, Francesca, said moving would be a good time for me to purge someone of my clothes, but that obviously didn't happen. Yes, I probably have too much, but I have a killer style, so I don't see the problem.

I spot the box labeled "autumn/outdoors" and pick it up. The weight of the box makes my bed frame shake as I toss it on my floral blankets. Come As You Are by Nirvana blasts through the bedroom, accompanied by the sounds of zippers and fabric rustling; the ultimate soundtrack to an outfit-making session.

I smile proudly at my reflection in the mirror. I sought to create a killer outfit for the first day of school in a completely new state, and I'm confident to say I crushed it. I styled a black turtleneck with an oversized, blue v-neck sweater and faded black jeans. Of course, I threw in an outrageous amount of accessories: a pair of dangling gold star earring, my favoriting rings, and a statement belt.

"Ready to go?" Francesca asks, taking the car keys off their hook.

"Yeah, lets roll!" I respond as I swing my navy blue backpack over my shoulder. I catch Francesca giving me a look I can't quite decode.

"What, Fran?" My smile turns into a confused smirk.

"First, don't call me Fran, it makes me sound like an old lady. Second, are you sure you want to wear that?" Her green eyes widen as she tries to take in the loudness of my outfit.

"Yeah...what's wrong with it?" I ask as disappointment grows on my face.

"There's nothing wrong with it, you look so cool dude! But, it's the first day of school and you might stick out because I doubt anyone is putting in as much effort as you, Y/n," she explains.

"I honestly don't care what other people think, dressing up like this makes me feel happy! Plus, this is a tame and normal outfit compared to what I usually wear," I roll my eyes.

Francesca laughs, I can tell she's remembering the numerous amounts of crazy clothing ensembles I've put together in the past.

"Mom would be proud of you," those sweet words fall from her lips as she places a kiss on my forehead and then walks out of the door.

For a minute, I'm left standing in the door frame, tears stabbing at my eyes. Oh, fuck no. There's no way I'm crying before my first day starts at this new shitty school.


   The first half of the school day was painfully boring and confusing. The kids have been in school for almost a month now, leaving me with a good amount of catch up work. Thankfully, this school doesn't participate in the dreaded "come to the front of the class and say a fun fact" game. Most teachers, didn't even notice me, except for Mr. File. When I walked through the doors to his class it was like everyone was waiting for me. He called my name out loud and announced I had moved from New York City. From his monotone voice and stern face, I could tell I wasn't going to enjoy his class. His introduction lasted a dreadful three minutes, but a girl with beautiful black and brown curls gave me a sympathetic smile, calming my uneasiness.

   Lunch time rolls around and I enter the cafeteria with a paper bag lunch clutched in my hand. I walk down the rows of tables and notice a few people glancing at me, but I try my best to shake it off.

My eyes spot an empty lunch table and I decide this is my best option; there's no use in hiding away in a bathroom or something. Pretty much everyone has noticed me because it seems like I'm the only person wearing any form of bright colors.

The contents of my packed lunch include: a banana, a granola bar, and a water bottle. I could tell my dad tried his best with making my lunch, but things have been very different since my mom passed, he's been very different. I mentally decide I'll pack my own lunches from now on.

"Hey, I was just wondering how long you've been stalking me to learn how I dress?" A boy with curly dirty blonde hair questions as he sits down abruptly across form me, coming off as aggressive

I stare at him with wide eyes and half open mouth that was about to take a bite of my granola bar.

"Oh, Stanley Barber, nice to meet you!" He extends his hand and smiles after noticing my shock.

"Y/n L/n, hi," I respond with a confused tone and shake his hand after putting my food down.

"Okay, so let's get the obvious out of the way, I wore the outfit better!" He smiles playfully, leaving me still totally confused.

It isn't until I take a moment to look him up and down to understand what he's talking about. His black undershirt with an oversized, blue v-neck sweater and black jeans looks a lot like what I'm wearing. My expression drops upon my realization. Sadly, my show-stopping first day outfit seems to have gotten second place, and it's not even this guys first day.

"I will admit the pattern on your sweater is a good touch," I say. Fuck, why didn't I think to wear a patterned sweater.

"Thanks! Well, we will see who wins best dressed tomorrow, Y/n, but I've gotta run!" Stanley says and pops out of his seat.

I watch as he runs to the back entrance of the cafeteria to meet with a short haired, pale girl who looks like she's bursting with impatience.

I sigh and look down at my lunch. My appetite has suddenly disappeared because I have a new task at hand, out-dressing Stanley Barber.

first chapter yay! i hope you guys like it and please leave suggestions with anything you want to see! if you liked it please vote so i know you guys want more :)
— k

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