Chapter 4

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(Present Day)

Keira groaned, her body was battered and bruised, there wasn't a position that she could lay down comfortably without feeling a measure of pain.

She didn't know how long she had been locked up, the room was in constant darkness. And between the time from the woods till now, she had drifted into unconsciousness several times.

Her captor had come in countless times, mocking and beating her up.

The only upside to her dilemma, was that she had been untied, given water and scraps to eat, and a filthy old blanket to keep her warm.

Her wolf was too weak to help her, after the rejection, her wolf had retreated to heal, leaving Keira to be strong and try to survive, hoping that her family would find her soon.

Hearing the door open, Keira stiffened in fear, did her tormentor never tire. Huddling in the far corner, trying to protect herself weakly. Whimpering as she felt a presence near her.

"Ssshhh...It's okay." A female voice spoke out, "I'm only here to check your wounds and feed you."

Relaxing slightly at the sweet voice that spoke to her, Keira attempted to look at the female near her, opening her eyes, she flinched slightly at the bright light, "" She attempted to speak through cracked lips, her mouth swollen from the punches given.

"Oh dear...what has he done to you!" The female exclaimed, lightly brushing a stray hair away from Keira's face.

Keira flinched at the contact, a reflex action after being beaten constantly.

"I'm sorry..." The female spoke softly, "My name is Selina...I was ordered by my Alpha to come clean you up."

"Why...?" Keira asked weakly, "Where am I...What day is it?"

Selina wished she could tell the young woman everything, but she knew that a guard was just standing outside the door, listening to report back to their Alpha, "I cannot tell you where you are or why, the only thing I can say is that today is the early hours of Monday morning."

Three days...she has been in this hell hole for so long, beaten to a pulp. Was her family even searching for her, were they so angry that they decided to not even try...?

"Please...I need to do my job." Selina rushed out, her heart breaking at the young woman on the ground, seeing the tears run down her bruised and battered face, 'If I don't do it...they are going to send somebody else in and they might not be as gentle." She urged, knowing that if she didn't help this shewolf, her Alpha would not only beat her, but he would send in one of the males to carry out the chore.

Keira slumped in defeat, she was too weak, her wolf had not yet made an appearance and she did not even know if she ever would, "Go ahead...What's the worse that you can do, that has already been done so far."

Selina proceeded to take a wet cloth and clean the young woman as best as she could, applying a salve to cuts and bruises littered across the young woman's body. Removing the young woman's tattered dress and replacing it with a loose t-shirt and sweatpants. She could clearly see that the young woman was ready to pass out, "You need to drink and eat something," Selina spoke soothingly, "And then you can rest."

Keira was too weak to even respond, only nodding her head slowly in agreement, allowing Selina to feed her a small quantity, grateful to let darkness consume her, when she lay back down on the makeshift bed, her body and soul just too tired to fight.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now