Chapter 7

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Eli was sitting in his office, going over some pack documents, when a fluttering of wings and a bird's chirp alerted him to the presence of his falcon perched at his window.

"What do you have there...?" He queried, noticing the note tied to his bird's leg, gently extracting it. Making his way back to his desk, he sat down, opening the note, reading its content with a frown.

"Need Help. Life or Death. Girls' lives are in danger. Bring reinforcements. At Red Moon pack. Alpha has gotten worse. Please, Selina."

Sitting back in his chair, he re-read the message, taking note of the time and date it was sent, sighing in relief that it was still within the same day it was sent.

He remembered Selina, she had saved his life two years back, he had offered to take her in, but she had refused, stating she had family at her pack. So, he had made a promise that if she ever needed him, she just had to send a message. He had always known that there was something dodgy happening at Red Moon, but there was never enough proof or evidence to back up his claim.

And for two years it had been quiet, with his falcon travelling everyday towards Selina's pack, waiting for any kind of signal that would give him the opportunity and evidence, to infiltrate the known corrupt pack.

"Seth, my office now." He mind linked.

Waiting as his Beta and Lead Warrior entered.

"I want you to gather our best warriors, we will be leaving for Red Moon within the hour." He ordered.

"Why? If I may ask?" Seth his Beta asked, bowing his head in respect.

"Selina..." Eli stated, seeing as both men before him recognised that name, everyone knew how she had saved their Alpha, at great risk to herself and her family. And they were all duty bound to help her, if she ever needed it.

Eli began to inform them of the events that had taken place, preparing them for a battle, if Selina was asking for help, then it meant there was going to be a fight on their hands, even she had warned him.

An hour later, Eli stood before his warriors, "We are going into battle, Selina has asked for my help." Taking a moment, as every warrior stood at attention, hearing Selina's name, "We will go in quietly and swiftly, kill anyone who tries to stop you. But, there will still be innocent members in Red Moon pack, retrieve them to safety. The higher ranking wolves will be sorted by Seth, Nathan and I."

After making his statement, they all shifted into their wolves, following their Alpha. As they made their way under the cover of darkness towards Red Moon, which was three hours away from Eli's Pack.

As they neared the border of Red Moon. Eli, Seth and Nathan shifted into their human forms, scoping the area before them, everything seemed to be quiet in the early hours of the morning, knowing that it was going to change soon.

With a nod at his men, Eli shifted back into his wolf, making his way towards Red Moon's pack house, his well trained team eliminating anyone deemed a threat.

Reaching the pack house, Eli again shifted into his human form, his Beta and Lead warrior doing the same.

"Alpha Harvey, I challenge you!" Eli growled confidently out, knowing the old disgusting Alpha of Red Moon was hiding inside, "You better come out or I'll come for you either way." He mocked.

Not liking being challenged, Alpha Harvey's wolf took over, storming out of the pack house straight for the young Alpha before him, his rage blinding him to the fact he was old and weak.

Eli was prepared, he knew the old Alpha would not bow down to the challenge, going on the defensive, Eli took immediate action, killing the Red Moon Alpha within moments.

Howling in victory, Eli let every wolf know within the vicinity that the Alpha of Red Moon pack was dead and that they either submit or die.

"Find Selina." He mind linked his Beta.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now