Chapter 12

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(At the Lunar Pack)

Leo was pacing his office, his brothers and beta watching in silence, they had been summoned to his office in private.

Leo was going crazy, the previous evening, for a moment he thought he had lost complete contact with his sister's wolf, fearing she had passed.

But in slow increments, her wolf slowly came back to him, making her presence known.

Giving him a glimmer of hope, he waited to see if she would contact him. But for some or other reason, she remained stubbornly quiet. Yet he persisted, even to Alpha order her to talk, but she wouldn't budge, frustrating him.

"Why are we here?" Gabe growled, the first to break the tension filled silence, he'd rather be out there, searching for his sister, than sit here and waste time.

"Watch your tone. You might be my brother, but I am still your Alpha." Leo growled out, glaring at Gabe, both men standing toe to toe.

Knowing that everyone was on a knife's edge, Austin stepped between his brothers, "Both of you calm down, it's not going to help find Keira, if you are both going to be at each other's throats."

Austin, since birth, had a calming effect with anyone, whenever he needed to diffuse a tense situation.

Both men relaxing slightly, stepped away from each other.

"I'm sorry..." Gabe spoke first, bowing his head in respect.

Leo accepted his apology with a slight nod, "I'm sorry too...Keira is your sister too and I know you are suffering the same as everyone else.'

Leo then proceeded to explain to them the reason for calling them to his office.

"So you are saying that she refuses to communicate with you?" Mason queried.

"Yes." Leo replied frustrated.

"Why? What could be possibly blocking us to communicate with her?" Austin asked.

"I don't know...!" Leo gritted out, about to elaborate further, when the ringing of his personal phone interrupted him.

"What...!" He growled out at Sybil.

"You told me to call if anything important comes up." She responded.

"And...?" Leo asked.

"The Beta of Silver Moon Pack, is insistent in talking with you directly and won't leave a message." Sybil informed him.

"Fine...I'll call him." Leo growled, wondering what could be possibly urgent, the only conclusion he came to, was that his friend Eli and Alpha of Silver Moon must be in trouble.

Dialling Eli's personal number, putting it on speaker phone, he waited for someone to respond.

"Beta Seth speaking..." A gruff voice spoke out.

"Seth, this is Alpha Leo, where is Eli?" Getting straight to the point,

"He is currently occupied with his mate." Seth responded.

"I didn't know he had found his mate?" Leo felt a twinge of jealousy that his friend had found his mate, whereas he was still searching for his.

"It's one of the reasons I'm calling, we infiltrated a pack yesterday, the Alpha was corrupt, and he was challenged and killed by my Alpha..." Seth informed him.

"And what has any of it got to do with me? I'm currently dealing with far more important things!" He growled.

"My apologies Sir, the reason I'm calling is because the pack we attacked, held young girls captive and I believe that a member of yours is missing and we just need confirmation that she belongs to you and also to inform you that she is safe." Seth quickly relayed.

Tensing, Leo gripped the table, hovering over the phone on his desk, "Who...?" He all but growled out.

"Keira..." Seth stuttered out.

Everyone in the room stood at attention, Leo himself was on high alert.

"I want to talk to her." Leo ordered.

"Ummm...she is currently unavailable." Seth fearfully spoke.

"You told me she was safe, so unless you want me to kill you, you get her on the phone!" Leo growled.

"Alpha Eli is her mate..." Seth all but shouted out, hoping that Alpha Leo would be more lenient.

"Keira is my sister! And if she is not here in person, within 24hrs, there will be war!" He stated threateningly, slamming the off button.

It was times like these, which Leo wished he had his mate, only she could calm his beast.

"Shouldn't we wait to talk to Eli and Keira first?" Austin calmly and logically asked.

"Keira was last seen with her mate! The mate that we cannot find! So, who is to say that Eli is not the one who kidnapped her? Or is part of her disappearance!" Gabe growled out.

It was true...The last person to see Keira was her mate. In addition, currently he was on the top of their list as a suspect.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now