Chapter 15

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They were fast approaching the Lunar Pack border.

"Send a message to Alpha Leo that we will be there at his border, in the next 10mins. " Eli ordered Nathan, "And we have Keira and she is safe."

Eli was worried about the reception they were going to receive, but his biggest concern was Keira, she was still sleeping. She had shifted now and then during their five-hour journey, only to adjust into a better position on his lap, never letting go of his shirt.

It was with regret that he had to wake her up, but they needed to put this obstacle behind them, hopefully without bloodshed, "Keira...wake up kitten," He teasingly whispered, his finger stroking her cheek, "We are almost at your brother's pack."

Her eyes opened slowly, she was slightly disorientated, and the last thing she remembered was being at Red Moon, now looking around, she was in a vehicle.

"How...?" She asked confused.

"You passed out in my arms, I carried you to the car and you have been sleeping the whole way." Eli stated.

"Oh..." Blushing, unable to formulate an answer.

Eli smiled at her blush, his mate clearly took awhile to wake up, giving a kiss on her forehead, "We are nearing your brother's pack." He repeated.

"Well it seems, we are to receive the VIP welcoming." Seth spoke out sarcastically.

Eli frowned, as the vehicle came to a stop, he could see a bunch of people before him.

"What do you want to do?" Nathan asked.

"Nobody crosses over the border, until I say so. Keira will stay by my side, everyone else will flank us, any signs of things getting out of hand, take Keira to safety." He ordered.

Looking at Keira, "Trust me..." Eli urged Keira, relieved at her nod, placing her on the seat, extracting himself from the vehicle first, waiting for Seth, Nathan and the warriors to position themselves.

Turning he held out his hand for Keira to take, helping her out of the vehicle, placing her by his side, making their way warily towards the group waiting for them.

As they approached the group, Keira saw her family, Mason, Megan, Sybil and a few warriors. She took note of the relief and concern of her family, but instinct was telling her to stick to her mate's side.

Leo watched the group approach, relieved to see his sister, but that soon turned to rage when he saw the bruises on her face. Austin sensing he was about to lose it, placed a firm hand on his shoulder, calming his wolf.

Rafe, their father was no better, wanting to attack, but their mother kept him from shifting.

Everyone was on a knives edge.

Eli knew there was only one way to diffuse the situation, even though he didn't want Keira to relive it, it needed to be done.

Turning her to face him, he cupped her face, gazing into her eyes, "Keira, this is difficult to ask, but could you show Leo what you showed me, otherwise there isn't going to be a resolution, nobody in your family is going to listen, unless you show him." He implored, wishing he didn't have to ask this of her.

Keira gazed at Eli, he was worried and she could literally feel the anger coming their way from her family, most of it directed at Eli, nodding slightly, she placed a kiss on his lips, before moving to his side again.

"Leo, your sister will give the answers you need. Promise me, that you won't attempt anything until it's over and we can talk rationally." Eli asked, watching as Leo stood there conflicted, "There doesn't have to be a rift and you will soon understand."

Leo moved forward, standing before his sister, trying to stay calm, while everyone waited behind him. Glancing down at his baby sister, it took everything in him not to shift and kill whoever did this to her.

"I would suggest you only let a few know...this is a delicate subject." Eli whispered, at his nod, Eli placed a kiss on Keira's head, lightly pushing her towards her brother.

Keira looked up at her big brother, tears forming, "I'm sorry for lying to you..."

Leo's wall crumbled, hearing her voice again, broke him, gathering her into his arms, he embraced her gently, inhaling her scent, "I'm sorry for not protecting you..." He gruffly spoke out, "Can...You show me what happened to you?" He asked, even though she had been marked, they were still connected by blood.

It felt like forever for Leo, before Keira finally nodded, cupping her face, he placed his forehead on hers, at the same time opening his link too their father, brothers and Mason, waiting and watching as Keira closed her eyes, then the images came, every important missing fact and detail...

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now