4 ~ Into The Fire

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"I can't believe it's actually snowing. It's the first day of October!"

"Welcome to Alberta, where it snows nine months of the year."

Taylor rolled her eyes at Clara, who stuck her tongue out in return.

Aubrey turned to face the window. "Did I tell you, I submitted the forms."

Taylor turned to face her brown-haired friend. "No way! Really? How long until you know if you get accepted?"

"Mr. Thomas said he'd let me know within a month or so."

Clara rested her head on her hand. "I can't believe if you get accepted that you'll be spending a semester in Italy. What are we going to do without you?"

Aubrey laughed. "I'm sure you'll be fine. We can always facetime."

"I'm going to miss you," Taylor said.

"I haven't even gotten accepted yet. Don't miss me yet."

The bell rang above them and Taylor sighed. "Bye Clara, have fun in mechanics."

Clara scoffed. "I'll try, have fun in bio."

Taylor pulled her binder off of the lunch table and began walking with Aubrey in comfortable silence towards the classroom.

"Oh hey! Are you planning on flirting with Lucas today? Because if you are, please give me a forewarning so I can effectively get in the zone to block you out."

Taylor's eyes widened and she quickly looked around to make sure no one had heard, but everyone was too occupied with getting to class. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Aubrey laughed. "Are you kidding me? Every day is the same. If you're going to flirt so much, you might as well go out with him."

Taylor hid her pink face. "Shut up. Like you aren't wanting to date some hot Italian dude."

"It's one of the richest schools in Europe Tay. Everyone there will be wealthy heirs from around the world, if anything, I'm going to become a trophy wife. And don't change the subject."

Taylor followed Aubrey into the Biology classroom and took her usual seat next to Aubrey. Lucas followed after them and sat on her other side.

"Hi," He greeted.

"Hey," Taylor responded, ignoring as Aubrey pinched her arm.

He smiled at her, his face turning pink. "Do you know CPR?"

Taylor's eyebrows jumped in surprise. "Yes, actually."

"She's the first aider for the Falcons." Aubrey butted in over Taylor's shoulder. Taylor elbowed her.

It was Lucas' turn to blink in surprise. "Wait, you're the first aider?"

She nodded. "I am, I started about two weeks ago."

Lucas hummed in thoughtfulness. "So you know a lot about the team then, hey?"

Taylor nodded. "I guess so. I'm usually in the room when they make their plans," She paused. "Why'd you ask about CPR?"

Lucas' face turned pink. "Oh, I was asking because you took my breath away," He ducked his head. "I'm sorry, that's kind of dumb. My older brother said it was a good idea, and I shouldn't have listened to him."

Taylor could feel her face heating up and distracted herself with watching Nasir duck into the classroom, chuck something to Jamie, and head back out. He didn't even look at her. Had she done something wrong again?

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