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I completely forgot to update yesterday... Happy Easter?



"Mama! Mama, look!" A six year old Percival shouts as he makes his way through the gardens of King's Landing.

His little legs scurry along the stone walkway with as much speed as he can muster, a large smile planted across his lips as the breeze blows his wild hair in every direction. The locks had lightened since he was a child, turning from a black mane to dark blonde locks that curl at the ends and displease his king-father.

Little actually made Robert Baratheon happy besides liquor and whores, but one thing that caused his face to redden with rage and metaphorical steam pour from his ears is the fact that his children - his heirs - all look nothing like him. First it was Joeffry, whom had been the spitting image of his mother since birth, then himself, whom had bore similar features and attributes but eventually lost them over time. Tommen and Myrcella were much the same as Joeffry, meaning Percy was the one that Robert was counting on.

Cersie and Tywin always told him it was because the Lannister blood was more pure than that of the Baratheon, though they wouldn't speak of it often and when they did it was curt and not brought up again.

"No running, Percival." Cersei Lannister scolds her son with no actual heat, smiling softly at the flower he waves around excitedly.

He reaches her in no time - at least to him - and makes a dramatic scene of kneeling in front of his mother and placing the sunflower delicately into her palm. Giggling with happiness, Percy claps in delight as she bows playfully in gratitude, placing a kiss on his forehead while ruffling his hair.

"I picked it when the septa wasn't looking." He whispers to her secretively, a scandalous look overcoming his features. "So you have to hide it when she comes or else she'll be so mad!"

Cersie grins largely in a moment of rare happiness, placing the flower behind her ear and covering it with a lock of hair. "Dont worry yourself, love, she'll never find out. It'll be our secret."

"But...is it alright if I tell father? He says secrets shouldn't be kept from the king." Percy asks curiously, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "But he keeps secrets too. So doesn't that make him a liar?"

"No, young one, it makes him a hypocrite." Cersei replies with less excitement, though she keep the smile on her face and stares at him inquisitively. "What secrets does the king keep?"

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