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Midnight rolls around and I can't get myself to sleep, I go check on Amber and she's nocked out.

I go back to my room and try again. After about an hour I give up and put some clothes on. I put on some blue jeans with a top and my leather jacket over it.

I put my shoes on then leave. I try move fast but quietly, I take the stairs and go down two at a time. When I reach the ground floor I leave the premises.

I start to move in the direction of the down because that's where the hospital my moms at. I slow my paste down trying to catch the fresh air around.

I keep going until the town light brightens everything. I feel eyes on me and look back, nothing. I keep going and keep my head up to spot anything.

The cross lights turn red and I'm forced to wait. The light finally turns green so we can cross and I keep moving.

A heavy hand grabs my shoulder making me turn. "You shouldn't be alone" a deep voice says and I meet Shanks eyes.

My heart pumps fast in my chest still in shock "You scared me" I push him gently then smile. A car beeps at us and we keep moving.

"We're you going?" He asks behind me.

"I'm going to visit my mom"

"At one in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep" I say.

"Shawty" he grabs my waist turning me around, I lick my lips out of instinct "where are you going?" He asks more darkly.

"To the hospital" I tell him "to visit my ex boyfriend" I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"Is that so?"

"No you idiot, I'm going to visit my mom" I walk away form him. Soon enough we reach the hospital and I go in, Shank follows me.

I walk past reception and go find my moms room. When I find her I stand in the door frame and watch her form afar. She looks blue, how on earth can a black person go blue?

My heart breaks and each step I take a tear threatens to fall. I bite my lip in attempt not cry out loud.

"Cassidy? Is that you?" I hear her weak voice cry out.

"Yes ma" my voice breaks as I get closer, she extends a hand and I take.

"How are you doing beautiful?" She asks.

"Good" I put her hand on my face "how are you?"

"I'm just tired" she gives me a weak smile. I watch her eyes shift to Shank who must be still at the door frame. I don't look back, I don't want him to see me cry.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She asks and I nod with a smile "is he treating you right?"

"So far so good" I let a tear fall.

"I'm going to sleep now" she says and closes her eyes.

"Goodnight ma" I kiss her forehead then wipe my tears away. I calm down and then slowly step back not facing Shank yet.

We walk out the hospital and go back in the direction we came in. Shank takes my hand I think in attempt to comfort me.

I feel his thump slowly go back and forth against my hand. I swing my hand back and forth and then turn to Shank.

I slip my fingers to the tip of his then twirl under him, I land in his arms and smile up at him. I put my head on his chest and on arm on his back and one laced with his.

I dance with him and then I feel his hand on my waist slowly responding to me "You have trust issues" I say in his chest.

"I've been berated too many times" he says and I feel his chest vibrate as he speaks.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

"Do you?"

"I do" I say with no hesitation. I step away form him then go behind him, I jump on his back and he keeps going.

My hands hang around his neck and I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel his hands on my thighs keeping me from slipping.

I feel a chain on his neck and play with that for a while. "You know...my favourite colour's red" I whisper in his ear.

"Yours black?" I ask.

"Pink" he says bringing a smile to my face.

"Pink?" I feel him nod "what kind of pink?"


"Questionable for a gang leader" I say and we drop back to silence "you like pets?"

"Lions" he says.

"A lions not a pet"

"Funny you should mention. I've got one" he chuckles deeply. "You?" He asks after some silence.

"You know, my favourite animal used to be giraffes but then I found out they eat trees and thought they would eat all our trees" I say.

"That's ridiculous" he laughs.

"Hey, I was nine" I giggle "I'd say...a Pit bull" he nods and the rest of the journey back is filled with little questions like so.

I find out more then I think any would know about Shank and the thing is it's the little details he adds.

When we get to the apartment entrance I get down and we walk to the elevator. We get in and we're the only ones judging it's around four in the morning now.

I look up and Shank and but my lip, he kisses me hard and pushes me to the elevator walls. Our breathing gets heavier as we keep kissing.

Shanks hands make their way to my top Jean button and then ding the elevator doors open. He pulls away and I open my eyes to find him looking down at me.

We walk out and he takes me to my room. He pecks me then turns to walk away "Good night" I say and he turns.

"It's four in the morning" he smiles, shakes his head then walks away. I close the door and slump in bed.

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