Chapter 15: A Whirlwind of Chaos

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"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." ~Arthur Somers Roche

Teagan's POV

Everything wasn't okay. She had just made a fool out of herself in front of her crush, and only when everything was going so well. Her eyes grew to the size of limericks as her heart thudded inside her chest. She needed to get out−she needed to get out now. But what were her options? Stay and increase the chance of making an even bigger fool of herself or leave quietly and probably attract more attention.

She watched as Colton's eyes conveyed understanding.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, grabbing her hand in his.

"Yeah," she replied in a shaky breath.

Colton looked her in the eyes, an air of uncertainty reflected in them.

"Tell me the truth," he stated. "You can tell me."

"I don't know how to even say what I'm feeling," she confessed, a tear trickling down the side of her cheek.

Colton lifted his finger to dry the tear away, which caused her to give him a watery smile.

He looked up at the waitress, who had a look of empathy on her face. "It's okay, sweetie. She tapped her own with her chin. "Hmm, well, I recommend either the snicker-doodle cookie or white chocolate chip cookie. Which one would you like?"

Teagan lifted her head up to the waitress, feeling a bit calmer. "Snicker-doodle, please," she requested.

"Perfect! And what would you like for lunch?"

Her eyes scanned over the menu, her gaze landing on a specific dish. "I'll have the grilled turkey burger, well done with French fries, please, with hot chocolate."

The waitress scribbled everything on the menu. "Okay, I'll ring your orders up, and they'll be out in about twenty minutes."

"Wait," Colton said, bringing their waitress to his attention.

"Yes?" The waitress asked, raising an eyebrow.

Teagan's lips parted slightly, seeing Colton write something down on a paper napkin and their waitress smiling at his response. What is he up to?

"Are you feeling any better, Teagan?" Colton's voice suddenly snapped her out of her train of thought.

"A little bit, thanks Colt." Teagan quickly put her hand over her mouth with a loud smack! "I'm sorry, Colt. Colton! I hope you don't mind that I called you Colt." She looked up at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Colton cleared his throat, slowly sipping his glass of water. "It's okay, Teagan. Don't−don't worry about it." He cleared his throat once more, pulling at the collar of his shirt.

Teagan slowly sank down in her seat, shifting her glance around the room. Why, why did she have to be so awkward all the damn time?

Ire looked between Teagan and Colton, shaking her head in dismay. "It's way too early for this shit." she thought aloud, causing a mother with two children to look at her in disgust.

"So...about the kiss..." Colton said, trying to change the subject.

Teagan held her breath in anticipation. Was he disgusted? Did he feel pity for her? Maybe that's why he deepened the kiss after she did. So he could let her down gently.

"I really liked it, and I want to see where things go...after talking to your parents, of course." Colton piped up after a moment of silence.

"I'd like that," Teagan said, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Aww." Ire butt in.

Teagan looked at Ire, giggling at the sight of her face. "I'm ruining the moment, aren't I?" she asked, looking to Colton for confirmation.

Colton put some space between his index finger and thumb. "A little bit."

"Here are your drinks, and I'll arrive shortly with your orders." The waitress piped up, putting down a sweet tea, a thick and creamy cafe au lait, and hot chocolate."

Teagan looked at her drink, gazing at the steam that seemed to form from how hot it was. She peered inside the mug, her skin tingling at what she saw. At the top of her drink stood the shape of a heart formed out of milk. Her heart fluttered, looking at Colton, who had a smile on his face.

"I knew you were feeling upset, and I know how much you like coffee art, so I decided to ask the waitress if she could ask the person in charge of making the hot chocolate to make something extra special," he said, scratching the corner of his cheek.

"Thanks." Teagan looked at the drink in admiration. "No one's ever done anything for me like that before."

Colton winked. "Well, I'm glad."

Ire faked gagged, causing Colton to glare at her from across the table and Teagan to chuckle at her friend's antics.

"Here you go. Sorry for the wait." The waitress said as she put each of their dishes down. "Here's your grilled chicken sandwich," she said, putting down the plate. "A roast beef sandwich for you." She put down Colton's dish. "And a well-done turkey burger with fries. Enjoy your food."

The trio dug into their food, with Teagan using a fork to dig into her burger.

Colton looked at Teagan like she had two heads.

Feeling Colton's stare linger on here, Teagan looked up from eating. "What?" she asked, having a sip from her hot chocolate.

Colton turned to the side, whistling innocently. "Nothing. I've just never seen someone eat a burger with a fork before."

Teagan's cheeks burned. "I just wanted to cut in half. I don't like being messy." she confided, with Colton chuckling at her response.

"No problem. You were always the proper one out of the two of us. It's cute, and before you ask, I genuinely mean that." Colton said, causing Ire to chuckle.

"Hmph!" Teagan said, crossing her arms. She then smiled at her two friends, happy that they didn't judge her for what she thought was a panic attack. Teagan looked up at Colton again, the idea of becoming his girlfriend never had a more pleasant feel. 

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