~5~ He Peng meets Wang Yibo

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~5~ He Peng meets Wang Yibo

Since I still had my personal things down at my workplace, I had to go back there first to get my things. I hope that this will go without any incidents.

I am even allowed to use the private elevator of the CEOs. Or rather, I should use this one. I just don't quite understand what's different about this one compared to the other elevators? Except the other elevators are always full. Maybe that's why they have their own elevator.

Unnoticed by all the other employees on this floor, I leave the elevator and slowly walk to my desk. Gu and Wu Jiacheng look at me with big eyes and immediately want to know where I have been all this time.

"Ah, I was upstairs with the CEOs, they had a meeting with Koreans, and I helped with the translation." I explained. It was only half the truth, but they don't have to know everything.

"And what are the CEOs like? Is it true what they all say about them?" Wu Jiacheng asked me.

"Oh, well, they're very nice and really professional. As you would expect from a CEO."

"You know, you're one of a handful of people who were lucky enough to meet them?" Asked Gu Jiacheng.

"Do you really see them so rarely?"

"Yes. So at least on this floor. We've been here for two years, and in those two years, I saw Wang Hao for the first time today. I've never seen the other two." Explain Wu Jiacheng to me.

I never thought it could be like that. They seem like people who like talking to their employees. They're very nice.

But since I am only there to get my personal belongings, I go to my desk under the air conditioner and start packing everything into a box. Luckily it is not so much and so it all goes quickly.

But of course my luck didn't hold me and He Peng came out of his office, stared at me and immediately started his hate speech again. "Well did you have yourself a good cry at the Wang's? Did you have a good cry for pity? Like, poor gay man whose husband died and whose death I can't get over is bullied by his superior?"

" Excuse me?" I ask frozen.

"You heard me right. But apparently, your pity act didn't work and they fired you. Well, then, we finally got an employee who's good for something and doesn't just think about his dead husband."

"What I think about is my business."

"He's dead, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he got fed up with you and killed himself because of it. Who would put up with someone like you for much longer?"

"He died because he bled to death inside, after a serious accident. He did not commit suicide. He would never do that."

"Yeah, right, no one' s gonna believe you. You've got a good excuse for that. Sure, so you'd get pity everywhere. It would be different if everyone knew he committed suicide, wouldn't it?"

"Hey Peng!" Suddenly someone screamed very loudly. I turned around and saw Wang Yibo staring hatefully at He Peng.

 I turned around and saw Wang Yibo staring hatefully at He Peng

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