~14~ A midnight snack

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~14~ A midnight snack

Our return to the Mansion had gone unnoticed, because Yibo's parents were at a gala whose intention is to raise funds for a children's clinic. Every year the Wang's donate a lot of money and often visit the clinic.

Yibo told me during dinner that he had a little brother who had leukemia and died. The little brother was only five years old when he died and tore a big hole in the family.

Until they started to support the children's hospital. Not only through annual donations. They go to the clinic every three months, visit the children, bring toys and books there and spend time with the children whose parents can rarely come to the clinic because of their work.

"My parents really get into it and they love it. Somehow it's really sad that they will never be grandparents because their two sons are gay." Yibo said.

"That doesn't mean they'll never be grandparents. Even for homosexual couples there are ways and opportunities to have a child. Seo Joon and I talked back then about maybe adopting a child or finding a surrogate mother."

"You wanted a child?"

"At least we talked about that possibility. It wasn't like we wanted to have a child quickly. Joon always said he didn't plan on sharing me with another person so soon."

"Another person?"

"Mmm. He said that because of Hae Jin. I mean, he and I have been very good friends from the beginning and had a very close relationship. Joon said it was enough for him to share me with our best friend. A child would have been too much for him."

"Is Hae Jin gay too?"

"He is not. He likes women But she must have something special about her to get his attention. I once heard him saying to Joon that he should be glad that I' m not a woman or he would have run after me and tried everything to get me."

"Did you have any feelings for Hae Jin?"

"No. So none that go beyond a good friendship. He and I were and are just very good friends."

Our conversation was interrupted when Yibo's mother called and asked us to come to the gala for an hour or two. I've never been to a gala and I didn't want to. Even Yibo moaned and didn't want to. But we still freshened up, changed our clothes and went there. Because after all it's for a good cause.

When we arrived there, Yibo took my hand and told me not to leave his side. Hand in hand we entered the hall and the festivities and immediately an elderly lady came up to us and beamed at us. I did not know her and was totally shocked when she took me in her arms.

"You must be my future grandson-in-law." She said, then introduced herself as Wang Ama. Yibo's grandma

Yibo smiled and greeted his grandma with a hug. "And are you satisfied?" He asked her and she looked at me closely while I felt like I was in the wrong movie.

" He' s beautiful." She said, grinning with her slowly yellowing teeth.

First I thought about telling her that Yibo and I are just friends and he's my boss. But then I thought about the two kisses on the beach and the fact that I don't know what relationship he and I have now. So I kept quiet and just smiled. Which made the old lady hug me again and whisper to me: "Don't worry, Yibo is a good boy, he will always treat you well." Like those were my worries.

Almost all the faces were foreign to me and I felt a little uncomfortable. But then I noticed three faces that were all too familiar to me. My in-laws and Hae Jin.

I pulled Yibo behind me to the three and they were immediately happy to see me. Hae Jin was the first who hugged me and held me tightly. "Look who we have here. My secret great love. Thanks to him no woman is good enough for me unless she is like him." He said laughing. And I saw that Yibo did not find that funny. But he still tried to look a little friendly.

My in-laws greeted me with a hug as well. "How come you are here?" My mother-in-law asked Yibo, instead of me

"We are here for a midnight snack" Said Yibo and laughed.

"You are right. My dear boy has grown so thin. Feed him well and he will soon look like his old self again." My father-in-law said, patting Yibo on the back.

Have they known each other long? I thought they just met at the meeting on Monday. But now it seems like they're old acquaintances.

It's strange to see these three talking so intimately and after only one meeting. But I'm also happy to see that, because these three are very important to me and Yibo, well, he's getting important to me right now.

Our future is uncertain and I am not ready for anything new yet, but with every day I spend with Yibo I feel that he and I are getting closer and closer.

Yibo made my heart beat faster for him, in only a few days. He gives me the feeling to live and want to live again. But it is only a few days and I still hardly know him. I know practically nothing about him and yet he seems to know a lot about me. I want to get to know him better and see if there can really be more between him and me.

At the same time I am also afraid of it. I only had one relationship so far and that was with my husband. It was a wonderful, harmonious and very loving relationship and marriage, even if the latter was only very short. I loved Seo Joon from the bottom of my heart and I still love him. I was spoiled by Seo Joon from the very beginning and never had to worry about anything.

I am afraid to do something wrong. Afraid of getting hurt. Afraid of forgetting Seo Joon. To forget the love he wrapped around me and warmed me up.

And what if I disappoint Yibo? If I hurt him?

Suddenly I'm scared like never before in my life. Everyone tells me to live and love again. But no one tells me how to do that when my head and my heart are so full of fear?

I want to follow the sound of my heart, I said that and I mean it. But it is very difficult, harder than I thought. Because when I look into Yibo's eyes, when I see his loving look. I am afraid. I'm afraid to get involved with him and lose him.

I couldn't stand to lose anyone again. Whether it be by death or otherwise. When Seo Joon died, I was completely torn inside. I was broken and I'm still broken. Even though I felt better in the last days, I still feel the desire to be with Seo Joon, besides my will to live.

There is a chaos of thoughts and feelings in me, split between Seo Joon and Yibo. Between present and past. Between life and death. Between love and fear.

All of a sudden my throat feels like it's closing up and I have to get out of here. I push myself through the masses of people, further and further until I finally reach the exit. I call a cab and let it take me to the only place where I can concentrate and think. My own apartment!

 My own apartment!

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