~37~ Panic Search

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~37~ Panic Search

POV Yibo

I noticed right away that Zhan left. But I thought he was just trying to cool down and go for a drive. I thought, when he's finished calming down, he'll come back and we'll talk about Jin Mi again. I really thought he was jealous of the little girl because she's been attracting all the attention for a week and I've been neglecting Zhan a lot, I'm sorry to say that.

However, I thought Jin Mi had a hard time just being dumped and left behind by her parents without at least saying goodbye to her. Her innocent children eyes made my heart soften and I just wanted her to be well.

When Zhan still wasn't back late in the evening, I started to worry. I tried to call him, but his phone was turned off. Not even voicemail turned on. I ran back and forth, kept standing outside the door, waiting for Zhan. Until one of the employees said, "I don't think young Master Zhan will come home, he had a big bag with him." I almost collapsed inside when I heard that.

I went upstairs to check on Jin Mi, I was afraid she might have trouble sleeping because I left her alone. But when I looked into her room, she was peacefully sleeping in her bed and I suddenly realized that I had slept at her place for nothing.

But since I didn't want to leave her alone either, I went to my bedroom and stayed up all night, hoping Zhan would come back. And as I sat there on the big bed and in this big room, all alone, I had an idea how Zhan must have felt. I had completely blocked out his view, ignoring his feelings because I was so focused on Jin Mi.

In the morning at breakfast, I told his in-laws that Zhan hadn't come home all night. They were also immediately very concerned and tried to call him in turn, with the same success as I did. They could not reach him.

When Jin Mi went to play, we talked again about the previous evening, when Zhan had told us that he didn't want to take care of the little girl anymore. That she was aggressive towards him and also became violent I really thought he was jealous, but then a woman from the staff interrupted us and told us what she had noticed in the last few days.

After she explained that Jin Mi kicked him regularly, beat him, spat on him and called him names, she said: "She made his life hell and even bit him bloody yesterday." I was stunned and Zhan's in-laws immediately called Jin Mi to ask her why she did this. She just shrugged her shoulders.

Mr. Park decided to take her to the pediatrician. Mrs. Park wanted to accompany him. And me? I drove through the streets of Seoul in panic looking for my boyfriend who could be anywhere. While I was driving, I phoned all the hotels and motels including the hospitals, but nobody knew a Xiao Zhan.

With every hour that passed, I became more and more worried and just wanted to find him. But I had no idea where to look for him. If Seo Joon's urn had been here already, I could have looked for Zhan in the urn house. But like this?

I called Hae Jin, expecting stress, and asked him if he had heard anything from Zhan or if Zhan might be with him. But Hae Jin, who immediately became angry, said he had neither spoken nor seen Zhan. He scolded and almost screamed because I didn't take better care of Zhan. "I entrusted him to you and what are you doing? Hadn't we talked long and hard about you should never, ever treat him badly?" He asked me in his anger.

I told him that I was sorry and that it was because I had Jin Mi's well being in mind. As a father, he should be able to understand that. But Hae Jin said, "It doesn't matter. We said from the beginning, your number one priority should always be Zhan. No one else. If you' re so worried about this kid, ask the parks to take care of her. Get her a nanny who knows about child care and parenting. After all, it is their granddaughter."

After a few minutes, Hae Jin calm down and thought about where Zhan might be. "The problem is he and Seo Joon were here a lot and they had so many secret places that it's impossible to tell where Zhan might be. Even I don't know about everything. Since the two of them also liked to retreat and be alone."

That gave me little hope. I decided to go home and look at the documents of Zhan and Seo Joon. Because one thing became clear to me after talking to Hae Jin. Seo Joon would never have taken Zhan to a hotel. Which means that there might be another possibility. An apartment!

Seo Joon loved Zhan very much and liked to spoil him. But he wouldn't have wanted to spend time with Zhan in a hotel. He would have made sure, chosen a place or location where they were truly alone. And where they could return at any time. And if I'm right, there's a rental contract or even a sales contract somewhere in the files.

The Park's and I came back about the same time and for the first time I saw an angry Jin Mi, who stepped after her grandfather and tried to hit her grandmother. At that moment I could imagine it visually, how it went with Zhan.

They told me that Jin Mi had to go to a specialist and be examined there. She was not linguistically developed as far as it should be normal for a three-year-old child. She had also failed the hearing test. The pediatrician suspects that she might have a hearing problem and that her linguistic abilities have therefore developed worse. And maybe she is frustrated because she is not able to let her anger out verbally and therefore becomes aggressive. But for this she needs to be examined by a specialist.

I listened to it, but at that moment I didn't really care. I just wanted one thing, to find my Zhan. Mrs. Park asked me if I knew where Zhan might be, but I just shook my head. "You promised it, remember that." She said, increasing the pressure on me again.

Of course I haven't forgotten! But even that doesn't matter right now. I must find Zhan and bring him back to me. So I ran upstairs to the bedroom, opened the cupboard with all the papers and searched specifically for a rented or bought apartment.

And after almost an hour, I had it in my hands. A bill of sale for a two-room apartment downtown. I entered the address into my navigation system and then made my way to the apartment. I could feel that Zhan was there. I knew my panicked search for Zhan would end there.

My second chance to love! [YiZhan FanFiction] ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن