Chapter 2

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A/N: Some new character's ahead! Also tysm for the support on the first chapter!)

When I opened up the door to my bedroom I couldn't help but drop my bag in disbelief. I knew my parents said it was a possibility coming back here, I just never thought we would. I didn't think about how it would feel to be back here. In my own room.

My bed was still centre of my the room, my desk empty and bare like my shelves. My window seat wasn't littered with pillows anymore but the boxes were sat tossed around ready to be unpacked.

It was overwhelming. Honestly. I wanted to be here so much, I wanted to see my friends and I wanted to see my town.

I wanted to be able to love everything here and finally not be plagued with fear.

Because god there was so much fear the last time I was here.

My eyes dart to my bed and to my bathroom, the memories of every time I broke down weighing my eyes heavily shut.

Just breathe.

My room also held so many good memories. I just need to hold onto that.

Even those most of those memories included Jac-

No don't go there.

"Mum?" I call, my voice sounding strained even to my own ears. She was unpacking downstairs and had let me wonder off on my own.

We'd only been here maybe fifteen minutes or so. I could tell they were both delighted to be back. My dad loved his job in St Patrick's , but It was definitely stressful for him. This one, this primary school in comparison, would be a walk in the park.

"Ivy?" My mum says jogging up the stairs to me in my bedroom. It was the first one you come to at the top of the stairs, opposite the family bathroom and the furthest away from my parents.

"Hi. Can you come in here with me as I look around?" I ask, not ashamed to admit that I need some extra support right now.

I was fine, but this room held a lot of memories and I didn't wanna be alone whilst navigating through them.

"Yep." She says cheerily, we had become even closer in the last year. There were hardly any secrets between us and we had sorted everything out from the past. We had talked about the time when we weren't close, her regret was evident during that conversation but I knew it was also my fault.

I'm happy that we talk now.

"I loved this room." I sigh as I walk over to the window. It overlooks our back garden and I remember the storm and the memories associated. The text message. That day at school.

"I know you did. But I meant it what I said earlier, we could always turn the downstairs study into your bedroom hun, you don't have to stay in here if it's too much."

"It's not too much. I want to be here. I missed it here."

"I know. Have you told your friends your back?" She asks and I shake my head. For some reason I just wanted to settle in a little longer. I wanted to revel in this nostalgia a little longer.

"It's still early Ives, why don't you go and meet them? Didn't Luce say they were all round Jays' tonight?"

I think about it. I wanted to see my friends. I knew I had seen Lucy a few months ago during the summer but gosh I hadn't seen Nora and the rest since the trial.

Gosh the trial.

Memories flood my brain again but I refuse to let myself get immersed in the collection of images. So, I open my eyes and ground myself whilst looking at my mum.

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