Chapter 54

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Hi new update! This is- just read. There are a lot of emotions.

"Hey I see your mum." I nod towards Charlotte who's waiting outside the hall for us to join her.

We just parked in the carpark out side his meeting and Jackson hasn't made any move to get out yet.

"You okay?" I say softly and Jackson nods.

"Yeah but I got you something. I was gunna give it to you at the beach, it made more sense then but I left it I here so I thought I might as well do it now."

"Oh?" I say looking at him surprised and he opens up the glove department and pulls out a bag.

He hands it to me and nods for me to open it.

"Okay so it's not- just." He gestures towards it and then falls silent.

I take the gift bag in my hands and slide something out of it. I see the piece of paper and I unfold it and then gasp.

It was the drawing he had done of me, the one when I was falling asleep next to him.

It was perfect.

"Jackson." I say and he smiles awkwardly at me.

"I know you like them so I thought I'd give you one. There's more." He says nodding towards the bag.

I bring out the what feels to be a photo frame and my heart melts when it's the photo Lucy took of us at Jayden's.

"That's just to remind you that you can always lean on me."

"Okay stop you are going to make me cry." I say and he laughs pulling my head towards him and he places a kiss on the side of my head.

"One more." He nods to the bag and I take out the last little box.

I open the lid and look up at him in adoration.

"Okay that one's even more cheesy. But this whole day is cheesy so I just-" Jackson rambles and I smile brightly.

There are three necklaces set out, all to be layered together. There is a sun, a moon and a star and I look up at him and grin.

"I just, find the symbolism behind them, read what you will. I just want you to know I love you a lot and no distance between us will change that. So like I know- what I'm about to say is gunna be a lot for you. But just-" Jackson starts and I furrow my eyes at him.

"What you are gunna say?"

"You'll see." He whispers and I bring my hands up to his face and bring it towards me, kissing him deeply in gratitude for the amazing gifts.

"Thank you so much. For everything. Always." I say and he smiles.

"We should be heading." He nods towards his mum and my eyes widen, looking through the window at her.

She just sends us a wave and I cringe a little.

We get out the car pretty quickly, after I put everything securely away and make our way towards the meeting.

"Hey." Jackson's mum smiles at us as we walk hand in hand towards her.

He looked absolutely fine, but after a day in the sun, the sea, and well Jackson, I was an utter mess and I had tried to sort myself out earlier. Just to no avail.

Like I had braided my hair and I had my dress back on. But it had gotten cooler so I also had on Jackson's jumper and I honestly looked like I had just woken up.

To be fair, I did fall asleep in the car.

It was 8pm and we'd been busy since 11am, I was tired.

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