Chapter 39

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Hope ya like, another update ik! Leave me love? I need a little extra today <\3

I have been so bored.

Like so completely bored.

I had exams, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So, I wasn't allowed to go and volunteer. And I wasn't able to see my friends because I have had so much work to do.

So I've literally been alone since Saturday.

I haven't seen Jackson. At all. But we've been texting. Which is really unlike us, but I know he's been super busy with the last week of school too and he's been so determined to keep contact with me.

Like I'd say I had to go, because I would be doing an exam and he would text me an hour later and ask how it was.

We never approached the subject of what happened on Saturday. Or even edge onto anything near it, he's been just chatting just asking how my exams have been and how I was.

My exams have actually been good. Like, I'm not sure how well I wrote or answered the questions, but I knew the answer to all the questions and I knew evidence to support it.

For the apprenticeship scheme in I needed an average of an A. Which was pretty ok, especially because I've been hitting full marks in English literature lately, which means I could probably drop to a B in a couple of subject and still average an A.

That's all they wanted the degree apprenticeship people for the education and psychology scheme. They wanted good grades and experience within a school.

I was actually sat down stairs with dad, before I made my way to Max's.

I had my last exam yesterday and so now it was Thursday, I was free and Max was doing a bonfire.

It was definitely not good for the environment but everyone was burning their revision notes and I was excited to see my friends again. Jackson mentioned it, asked if I was coming, but I had no idea how things were between us.

Honestly, my heart pounded thinking about him, and it was a little tiring. Feeling so much for someone, someone you know you sort of shouldn't.

"Ok, so I talked to Daniel and obviously we want you to do the scheme at my school, but there are other schools around that do it too." My dad says and I smile sheepishly at him.

"I know dad, I have a few interviews set up with them all ready. Just to see my options."

"You already have interviews?" My dad says surprised and I laugh at him.

I was so serious about this. I didn't want to go to university, it just didn't appeal to me, I knew what I wanted to do.

"Yeah, the application process doesn't actually start until July, like for all the schemes. But I phoned and sent CV, cover letters etc and I have a scheduled interview for three schools in like this town, but also a few towns over."

"Oh wow. I'm proud of you." He says and I smile at him. That's literally all I've ever wanted to hear.

"Thankyou." I give him a hug, and jump off the stool, "Is it ok if we go now?" I ask.

"Yep, let me just grab my keys."

My dad offered to drop me at Max's, as my car was being a little problematic. Everyone was going to be there tonight, and a few others, Jackson said there might be alcohol but he felt like he could handle it.

I hoped he could. I was going to be there anyway, so even if he like stayed away from me, I could keep an eye on him. Just to make sure he was ok.

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