Chapter 10

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Outfit^- Hope yous enjoy, it's kinda a filler but I like this chapter.

"Wanna grab breakfast?" Jayden asks me the following Saturday.

It had been a week since I went out with the girls and I've spent the week recovering from it. Well not really, the hangover went by 10AM that following Sunday but I just mean the whole thing messed with my head a little bit.

I was fine, but my interaction with the guy in the club and then the vague memory of a very hairy man had freaked me out. I was angry because although I know things like that happen a lot in clubs, I really wish guys knew to keep their hands to themselves.

Like at least ask.

I don't know.

I have just been fighting nightmares again and so I'm annoyed that I got triggered.

I'm also heavily aware that I can hardly remember my conversation with Jackson.  But, as he's not any extra angry with me, I must not have said anything too bad.

He even he said hello to me the next time I saw him, we were out as a group, just getting some food, but he wasn't specifically cold or nonchalant towards me.

But it's not easier seeing him yet, I don't know when it will be.

Jackson just seems miserable, I watched him try and try again to reply to people and include himself in the conversation with enthusiasm. He was trying really hard to act normal for everyone and It shocks me how everyone just slides their eyes over him, as if this is normal.

How long has he been in this mood?

Am I making this all up? There must be a reason I think something's wrong and nobody else does.

And was I just the issue? Was my presence just making him fucking miserable? Because that's awful.

Bringing back my attention to Jayden I groan at him. "I just woke up."

"It's 9am! What do you mean?"

"Jayden since when do you wake up early? It's a Saturday, it's a weekend."

"I already trained." He laughs into my ear and waits for me to reply to his original question.

Rolling over in bed I can't decide whether I want to stay snuggled here of if I want food.

"Where do you want to go?" I yawn and try to remember if I showered last night or whether I had to do it this morning.

I know it sounds strange but that will definitely factor into my decision whether or not I want to leave the comfort of my bed.

"Anywhere, I'm not fussed."

"Can we go to The Lane?" I ask, and smile when he groans.

The lane was my favourite place to get breakfast in this town, it was a basically an Afternoon Tea café, but in the mornings, it did the best breakfast.

"Of course. I should have known." Jayden says and I laugh at the fact he still doesn't like it there, he loves the food, but a certain older cousin of his works there and she loves teasing him.


"Yeah ok, I'll pick you up in ten minutes."

"Ten minutes Jay? I just woke up."

"Twenty then? I'm really hungry." He pleads and I just roll my eyes and say ok, I really didn't need much time, I remembered that I had washed and braided my hair last night, meaning all I needed to do was wash my face and get dressed.

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