Chapter 26

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"What do you mean your flight was cancelled?" I breathe down the phone.

"I know I'm so sorry Ivy, I'm just as stressed about it. The next one's all booked as well, we will be home as soon as possible."

"Okay." I whisper and as Max and I listen to Charlotte on the phone I find myself leant against him, our friendship expanding over our mutual love for our friend.

"How is he today?" Charlotte asks and I just sigh.

"Pretty much the same as yesterday, although he managed to have a bit of lunch, he doesn't feel sick anymore. But the shakes are still there and his mood is, particularly low."

"My baby." She sighs and then takes a deep breath, as if reminding her to be strong for us. For me. "You need to distract him, force him to reread his favourite book, get him drawing, music? Anything."

"I will, he's doing ok, it's just day three so."

"Ivy, thank you so much, Max and you too."

We both tell her not to worry and that we hope to see her soon, wishing her good bye.

It was Tuesday evening, Max had had to go to school today, and he had told his mother everything about Jackson so hopefully they can help his grades, I'm sure he's still working at the top but every extra support would help him, once he gets back to school.

Jackson had been feeling extremely guilty today, he was especially ashamed about everything. But he said he wasn't in as much pain, just the shaking and for some reason his skin was really itchy, I wasn't sure what that was, but it obviously was related.

We had chilled and stayed in bed most of the day, he hadn't left this room but he had really been trying to take in as many liquids as possible now that he wasn't feeling sick.

Max stayed with us from after school to about 9pm, but he had to leave and that was totally ok.

I had approached Jackson earlier with an empty sketchbook and a few pencils that I had found downstairs but he had no interest, saying he couldn't think enough to draw. I said it would be good for him to focus on something but he refused, I left the sketchbook by his side of the bed and I was now propped us in the corner reading my book and taking notes for my English course.

Home school was ok, I could do it, but I had to keep up with it and obviously I had been quite occupied.

Jackson was watching a film next to me, but I could feel his eyes on me as mine started to tear up for like poor little boy in my book. The Kite Runner was slowly destroying me from the inside out. I had cried so much when Hassan got attacked and now knowing what they did to his child made a tear roll down my face.

I carried on taking notes about the micro and macro world metaphor that is hidden behind the rape scenes and tried to get my heart to stop hurting for a fictional character.

"You shouldn't read that book." Jackson's voice surprises me and I raise my head to meet his gaze, lifting my hand up to my face and wiping away the stray tear.

"It's devastating, isnt it?" I say.

"Yes. And also triggering Ives."

"I'm good. Well not good, a little heartbroken for Sohrab." I say and send him a reassuring smile, I yawn and feel the tug of my hair, reminding myself it was still in a high pony tail and pulling it out, letting it cascade down me.

Ponytails hurt when you have long thick hair, I don't even know why I bother.

I look back down at my book and continue on with what I was reading, my eyes darting around the page as I read the intense fight scene.

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