Chapter 55

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DW THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. ONE MORE after this one. And then we finished boo. 

Also be nice to my girl Ives, patient at least:)

When I woke up, there wasn't confusion, I startled awake. I knew what had happened. I knew what my parents had told me.

I knew I had collapsed. Due to exhaustion, shock, pain?

I didn't expect to wake up in hospital though. I fainted. What?

When I sit up, I'm literally alone in a hospital room and my head is pounding, probably due to the whole blacking out thing.

Where are my parents?

I lift my hand up to my head and my eyes widen when I feel a bandage covering my forehead. Jesus what happened.

Okay I thought I wasn't confused. But I am.

My head hurts.

Jesus Layton what did you do? Why would he- we talked. He was better.


Why did he? We, he?

God, the voices came back? Imagine if they had let him out?

I am so fucking confused how I feel.

If he been let out would this have just happened all over again?

Why didn't he have any help?

Why didn't they help him?

He was supposed to be seeing psychologists, wasn't he?

He was taking his meds, he was?

Goodness. I don't want to feel bad for him. I don't want to. I hate him.

And now I was angry.

At everything.

Because he should have been helped a long ass time ago.

The whole system needs to change. What system that is I do not necessarily know.

Just change.

"Ives." Jackson's voice startles me and I look up at him, wincing at the light.

"Jackson. Where are my mum and my dad?"

"Just filling out some paper work. God are you fucking okay?" he says, his legs carrying him to me quickly.

His hands placed on either side of my cheek, and he searches my eyes and I look at him confused.

"I am fine. I just- I guess I was shocked." I say and he places a kiss on my cheek and then my other cheek and then my eyes and then very softly my forehead.

"Jackson." I laugh and he glares at me.

"You scared me you dickhead."

"Mean." I say and look around the room for the time. "What time Is it?"

"Long gone midnight."

"What?" I breathe.

"You fell and hit your head pretty hard, your dad caught you but like a second too late so-" He gestures to my forehead and I bring my hands up.

"It's just a small cut, you'll get a cool scar." He says and I scrunch my nose up at the reference to a scar.

"I'm sorry I scared you." I whisper and he squeezes his eyes shut.

"You wouldn't wake up. You know how terrifying that was?"

"I would be scared too, if it was you." I breathe and he nods.

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