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We rushed back towards the Institute, at the Medical Arts building. Pil peered behind the glass at chamber where Sungjin was surrounded by beeping machines. His breathing was shallow, his skin ghostly pale. I entered the room and grasped his hand. His eyelids rose partly and when he saw me, he gave me a gentle smile, as if reassuring me that things would be okay. He gripped my hand tighter, as if he didn't want to let go. I looked at Pil outside, who called a medical aide, showed his ID and asked for Sungjin's condition. They talked in low voices and Pil's brows furrowed.

"Hey," Sungjin murmured softly.

I looked back at Sungjin and he was pouting cutely.

"I'm not gone yet and you're already looking at other guys."

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE, OKAY?" I shouted. Pil and the aide turned to look at us and I bowed and waved my hand to show them we were alright.

Sungjin laughed, then coughed. I got him some water, helped him sit up and got him to drink a bit. The effort seemed too much for him because his breathing was heavier. He laid down again and sighed.

"Bad joke," I muttered, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Hey. Look at me."

I shook my head and he sighed again.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Don't look at me then, but listen, okay?" I nodded to show him I was listening and he said,

"You have to be happy. Happier than anyone else. As happy as you made me."

He reached for my hand and grasped it tightly. I finally looked at him and saw a sad smile on his face. He tipped his head and said "Wonpil's a good guy."

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