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"Whazzup my brotha from anotha motha, it's our last internship, last year and. We. Are. Outta. Here," tall, gangly Park Jaehyung said, while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"And you still don't have a date for this year's Chrono Ball," he whispered.

"No duh. I'm not going, Jae," I said as I rubbed my eyes. I've been having these dreams where I seem to be with someone but everytime I'm about to see who that person is, the dream ends, and I wake up.

And something feels off... Something's missing...

 Something's missing

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"C'mon, bruh. Even that weirdo, smartypants student with that ugly pink sweater from the Multiverse Manipulation class had gone to the dance, and his partner wasn't too shabby... I wonder if she goes to this school?" Jae asked, craning his head to look around.

"What, you mean that mystery lady you kept mentioning?"

"Nonono bruh, not for me, but for you. At this time, I think you should settle for any girl because at the rate you're turning down girls, you'll be knitting your own sweaters, own 51 cats, talk to puppets, and yell at people MORE THAN USUAL," Jae deadpanned, adjusting his glasses. "Nothing against cats, but I'm allergic to them, so I won't be able to visit you."

I removed his arm around my shoulders and pushed him aside

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I removed his arm around my shoulders and pushed him aside. He crashed into someone, sending them both to the floor, and scattering things around the hallway. I picked up their things, while Jae profusely apologized and helped the person up but before I reached them, she bowed and hurried away, her things still in my hands.

"Owww, dude you gotta gimme a head's up if you're planning to do that. Also hold those punches -"

"That wasn't even a punch, Jae."

"Really? Damn, felt like one," Jae muttered as he fixed himself up.
I ignored Jae and I looked around to catch a glimpse of her, but she disappeared.

What a weird girl

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What a weird girl.

Jae grabbed her holonote from my hand and attempted to open it, but it was locked with a password. Jae huffed and gave up on it, handing it back to me. He suddenly brightened and yelled, "That's it! She'll be your date for the Chrono Ball!"

"Assuming she agrees," I automatically replied.

Wait, what?

Jae and I stopped on our tracks and looked at each other.

"WAIT, WHAT?! So you WERE planning on asking her out all along?! Maaan, finally! I was worried for nothing - HOLY CARP I'M GOING TO BE LATE!"

"...Jae, did you just say carp? Like the fish?"

"Byeeeee Sungjin, see ya later!!!"

I sighed and placed her things carefully on my backpack, lost in thought.

Why do I feel like I know her somehow?

My head started to spin so I went to the nearest restroom and vomited what little breakfast with Jae I had managed to stomach. I flushed it down and emerged from the stall. When I got out, I saw the Multiverse student Jae talked about washing his hands on the sink (That Pink Sweater was... Unforgettable, to say the least). I washed my hands on the sink beside him and when I raised my head, he was looking at me stangely.

He gestured towards my nose and said, "Your nose... It's bleeding."

I lifted my hand and brushed it beneath my nostrils, and my fingers were bloodied.

The last thing I recalled was the floor rising to meet me, but before I did, Sweater Guy caught me, muttering, "Don't tell me they already met."

Met who?

[Introducing.... ParkBros 🐻🐣]

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