Lex Luthor part 1

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When Kara and Alex got back from Argo, the city was under attack. Bombs were going off from every public building, companies, banks, courthouses, both police and fire stations including hospitals. Everything was a mess and chaotic. Supergirl was not entirely flabbergasted at the sight of her home under blitz.

"I wasn't even gone that long and criminals came running this fast?" Supergirl asked much like a statement.

"Yeah, you don't know the half of it" Alex replied

Alex and Supergirl headed straight for the DEO because they had to come up with a plan to stop all the chaos that was happening and also Alex had to return J'onn's ship. 

Meanwhile, National city's citizens were running for their lives, as the bombs blew up either behind and in front of them.

All the fear and chaos spreading in the city was all because of the one and only malicious Lex Luthor or should I say 'lord satan himself'.

Apparently, he was putting his plan into action. 

Lex had been planning on being the hero of National city, his intentions included showing the city that they did not need the supers, that a human and more importantly a Luthor could be a hero they needed. 

 His plan to be the hero, he had always hoped, dare I say craved to be, included demolishing the city into pieces and then swoop in and save the day. 

He was so sure that National city was going to praise and worship him when his plan worked, however, Lex did not know that the city's hero was back and hunting him. 


"What the hell happened here?" Alex asked

"Lex Luthor!" J'onn said

"Hey, you're back.." Nia yelled with excitement as she hugged Supergirl and then Alex.

"Good to have you back Supergirl" Brainy said

"It's good to be back Brainy" Supergirl replied

"Can we skip all the pleasantries and deal with the situation at hand?" J'onn asked, however, it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah this needs to be dealt with," Alex said as she pointed at the screens where buildings were collapsing and robots shoved cars around.

They all gathered around the table to come up with a plan to stop Lex and his crazy robots running around the city.

"What do we have so far?" Alex was the first to speak

"We already know that Lex is behind this, but we don't know his base of operations," Brainy said

"So we need to find him before there is nothing left to save" Supergirl replied

"Yes, I'll get right on finding his location," Brainy said

"In the meantime, I'll be out there with dreamer and J'onn helping with the fires and the buildings collapsing and more importantly the people stuck in the buildings". Supergirl added

"Be careful" Alex called out from a distance, as Supergirl, dreamer and J'onn were heading out.

As Brainy was working on Lex's location, Alex was on the coms with Supergirl, dreamer and J'onn. She was basically their eyes and ears.

"Brainy?" Supergirl asks on the coms

"Supergirl?" Brainy and Alex responded in unison, it sounded more like "we're listening, go on" rather than a question.

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